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  1. KG666

    Opinion Let's Start's Day One, 1935...

    None of these NRL joker-coaches are perfect. But changing them every week isn't going to help either. Give him a bit of time to either fix or destroy the joint. And have decent backups ready.
  2. KG666

    Opinion Let's Start's Day One, 1935...

    They can add J Christ himself - but without breeding a new winning and learning culture, they won't go very far
  3. KG666

    Good to meet you all, fellow Tragics...

    First match live at Belmore Manly in 1981. Hooked ever since...
  4. KG666

    Opinion Let's Start's Day One, 1935...

    How do we get out of this mess? I reckon Barrett is a decent-enough Head Coach for now - he’s got all the certificates, spits all the right cliches, isn't senile and was a decent player to boot. Plus he has all the resources he needs to support him. The modern comp - with new rules, makes this...
  5. KG666

    1935 DAY ONE AGAIN!

    1935 DAY ONE AGAIN!