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  1. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0
  2. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Ok so you are ok with mocking religions ? Imagine if you mocked Islam or Jews it would be deemed racist or bigoted, makes sense you’re so one eyed..
  3. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Bit to slow on the news buddy here’s a new update for you.
  4. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    So Much winning ! Prime Minister Ishiba conveyed his willingness to cooperate together to elevate Japan's investment in the U.S. to an unprecedented amount of one trillion dollars, and President Trump strongly welcomed such investments by Japanese companies.
  5. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Stop posting propaganda. This is actual fake news, doge found the democrats paying Reuters under this title This is why you you got jabbed, you can’t critically think for yourself.
  6. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    It’s actually hilarious how deluded you are. Only 1 month in and the tds is very prominent in you. Glorious to watch you post baseless things..
  7. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    So now it’s come out that the us goverment I.e democrats were in fact paying news outlets millions and millions a year for positive press, so many deniers here, politico and nyt got paid by usaid millions ! So good seeing the truth come out.
  8. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  9. bricktamland

    Is there something wrong with men who drive hatchbacks?

    That’s the one. Sr20det
  10. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Our dollar is effectively backed on how well the US dollar does it’s very interesting and important. What’s pathetic is the same sheepies that bag one guy out then what they do is all comment on it and like it just to gas light each other into thinking their comment matters. All that matters is...
  11. bricktamland

    Is there something wrong with men who drive hatchbacks?

    No. I’d love to have my sss gti back. Got one from trading post 79,000 kms off an old lady my old boy found it as my first car cheap as . Dad said when he picked it up it was really quick he didn’t think being a 4cyl that it would fly, could beat anyone on my ps. They are hard to find now !
  12. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    The cope and seething here is hilarious, bunch of woke sheep all posting the same rhetoric and getting a like from each in some kind of gay echo chamber. Like clockwork, y’all lost again despite having every thing on your side. Believe me it gives me energy seeing the woke ones whine about...
  13. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    It was a female pilot too. Dei is cancer.
  14. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Cry harder it’s actually pathetic how much the cucks here cry about him and post about him. He continues to win and own all liberals, he must be onto something cause California are facing a recall for new scum. But biggest rigged elections happen in California.
  15. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Perfect ! Getting rid of corruption, great news! And rfk exposed all those slobs like Bernie sanders who took money from big pharma just like the msm and other politicians world wide. It was to convince certain people to line up for their clot shots… and get their boosters for the totally safe...
  16. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Unfortunately they are there illegally and if the bad ones were actually vetted then it wouldn’t be needed to take all of them. Citizens safety is the main priority and we have no idea who was actually let in, what about the people who paid their way to be there and lost jobs to someone who’s...
  17. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    None were vetted . The democrats hate America, this is from the x ice page. They update it daily this is just a few of the scum being deported. Apprx 900-1200 a day being taken out
  18. bricktamland

    Is Australia shit?

    It’s become a joke as of late, the goverment has done fuck all for us. High prices , being made to feel racist for being white. Inflation, house prices whilst importing immigrants without fixing our own backyard. In my whole 34 years of my life I’ve never once seen tent cities and now seeing it...
  19. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    illegal is the word. Illegally entering is what it is, adios. Half of them are fucking kids and done for crimes in their own countries there was zero vetting. Cry more. And Colombian President was caught fucking trannys, another clown world member of the political game.
  20. bricktamland

    LA Fires

    It’s hard for some of these wokes, they believe trump would be jailed and now have to wait another 4 years for another chance at a leftist being president. Cope and seethe leftist.
  21. bricktamland

    LA Fires

    Just in time for Olympics and smart cities. Guaranteed people will be fucked over since insurance companies changed their policies on fire. And newsome already declaring he spoke to maui about potential buyers and solutions. When you hire woke leftist as your fire chief this is what you get...
  22. bricktamland

    Ezra Mam alleged positive drug test after car crash

    We pay ctp for a reason. So if you injure someone you get a reputable pay out. So Ezra drove not licenced nor insured. Take your head out of the sand if you don’t think it all sounds warped. I lost my licence in 2020 when I moved houses after breaking from my ex. We owned our house and I was...
  23. bricktamland

    Ezra Mam alleged positive drug test after car crash

    Unfortunately it’s the truth. If he was white it’d be end of career etc. this is the typical nrl, give him one more game ban to cover for the “ Spencer for 8 weeks for bla bla “ .. this is why the nrl is fucked. This guy nearly injured or killed a family driving unlicensed and on drugs, that’s 2...
  24. bricktamland

    Ezra Mam alleged positive drug test after car crash

    I bet theyve been paid to stfu. Weird how we haven’t seen the families retaliate or 9 news go after their story. News limited protecting their 1 product again
  25. bricktamland

    Official Dogs sign Leo Thompson (2026)

    For $900 k I’d rather use our juniors or get that titans player
  26. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    The fat pig deleted all evidence from the jab 6th commission. Why else would Biden be pardoning miss piggy ? Fauci is the one who should be prosecuted, but all the vaxtards here will deny it even though they weren’t intelligent to see the covid shots weren’t good for them.
  27. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Well did Biden and Harris do anything ? Even if it is ‘planned’ then even 1 day less of innocent lives is better than nothing
  28. bricktamland

    Ezra Mam alleged positive drug test after car crash

    Anyone find it weird how both mamm who did something more serious and carr basically have had a lot of whiteness from the nrl ? In previous cases it’s a ban of big sorts. Ffs Elliot danced naked on a table on Xmas break and the nrl and journos were all over it. Broncos will get off lightly, they...
  29. bricktamland


    Yeah my knees always ache when rains coming
  30. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Still counting ? And in California where no voter is required . It’s going real well for me ! We won, you lost.
  31. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    The Murdoch called Arizona in 2020 when the steak happened. Murdoch son openly donated to Harris, Considering all the msm have trump is hitler or a racist, all 9 news and 7 news here in aus is anti trump. Chris Wallace was Fox News main guy for years, and the one prominent Fox News host who got...
  32. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Fact check Rupert Murdoch openly doesn’t like trump hence why 9 news and majority of his news doesn’t support trump. Fox isn’t a trump network
  33. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Just a loser.. about to be axed. All cnn and msnbc ratings are way down.
  34. bricktamland

    Boxing The Boxing Thread

    All the casuals here who truly believed this was a real fight yeah bro a 60 year old who legitimately had no chance against a 27 year old, who’s friend with the Paul’s .. he’s been on Logan’s podcasts. Marketing 101. Showing little to no footage of Tyson sparring, both have same political...
  35. bricktamland

    News Would The Bulldogs Get Better Value From Connor Tracey Or Ryan Papenhuyzen?

    If we sign paps im tipping there to be a few players being dirty on dogs looking past Tracey. We better be finding a spot for Tracey. What’s the bet this guy gets injured first 10 rounds ?
  36. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  37. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    You’ll see the receipts. They will get the truth. We will see. Anyway majority of USA obviously didn’t buy into the rhetoric of Jan 6th since it wasn’t an insurrection. It got stolen. Where were the other 15 million voters this time?? Trump gained millions. Just weird now covid wasn’t around...
  38. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    The Atlantic who is pro dem too. The coping you have is pretty admirable. Are you ok with losing ?
  39. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Yeah who were the judges ?? We’re they democrat appointed?
  40. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    They can go to their safe places and emerge 4 years from now. ❤️
  41. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Has he been sentenced or ?? And you wonder why people didn’t vote for her. Everyone can see all those cases are purely bogus bullshit. Zoom in and see the clown show that says we are the weird ones
  42. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Sigh .. is that it bro? So predictable it’s getting old. Anyway you got owned, accept defeat again.
  43. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    So what do you call the last 4 years ? They went after him tried to bank rupt him , the New York case with engoron was a joke hence why Jack smith is gonna drop all his cases, not to mention fanny Willis case? Political. They deserve all they get. You’re ignorant if you truly believe it wasn’t...
  44. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Pedos gonna pedo. Just more evidence pizza gate is real. When you have all these celebrities spotted at Diddy parties campaigning for Kamala and Clinton who frequently hung out with Epstein even after allegations it’s not hard to see these losers are all complicit. There won’t be anything about...
  45. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    On top of that people are sick of trans and pushing woke ideology. Just look at the laughing stock of that admin? The secretary of health is an old dude pretending to be a woman. How much more woke do you need to see to not hearthe words of this thing chat about being more woke ?
  46. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Was yuge. Sweep of all swing states. Absolute owning. They even had all the big celebrities and billions thrown into the campaign and still lost. Hehe
  47. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  48. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  49. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Let’s wait and see. Popcorn ready. Some big stuff is going to go down between now and election day. Trumps security better be ready. All the Diddy and Epstein, fda etc. he did wipe the floor with the democrats, msm has no place for news now. Podcasts and free speech for the win. Yes the same...
  50. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    So harris won all the states that don’t require voter id. And where the hell were the 15-20 million other voters from 2020? It was fraud let’s be honest
  51. bricktamland

    News 2025 Jerseys Revealed

    Definitely better than last few years imo
  52. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    How is it another George bush where there’s no ne con wars going on under him? You do remember bush took usa to invade Iraq and Afghanistan under the false pretends of wmds and 9-11 killing hundreds of thousand of innocent Middle Eastern people. And bush hates trump and never backed him so he’s...
  53. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Because republicans over 4 years pushed legislation including to ballot drop boxes in some areas, last time everyone got a mail in ballot. Facebook and Twitter censored anyone who mentioned it. There is theoretically no chance that they won 18 bellwether counties and gained in the senate and...
  54. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Well I am happy to call truce here. Atleast we both like the bulldogs ?
  55. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    How did he enrich himself when he donated his salary and lost money? How’s it feel to lose ? Hope you’re ok bro
  56. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Bro basically won everything. Popular vote to I believe , first president to serve in non consecutive terms. So my question is this .. if he’s hTed more then ever then where were all the votes from 2020? This massive influx of voters ? It’s cause they didn’t exist. No mail in ballots no steal...
  57. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    I am hearing pensylvania has been called. Effectively he wins presidency. 91% reporting
  58. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Trump currently ahead by 1 million on the popular vote. Still early but pretty crazy as democrats traditionally win popular vote usually. Still a while to go. Virginia harris ahead, Georgia trump ahead. Florida looks to go for trump
  59. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Listen to what’s been written, so he’s ahead then miraculously in the States that matter they somehow take days to vote ? Lol
  60. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  61. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0
  62. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Maricopa turning away republican poll watchers. Anyway just some live updates
  63. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Republicans ahead in Florida , Pennsylvania voting centres machines are not working in a 75+ republican district from 2020.. so predictable
  64. bricktamland

    Bulldogs Announce O’Neills as Official Apparel Partner

    The new font of the sponsor we got front looks same block letters as this . I reckon it’ll be a siniliar collar to the Canterbury one and the emblem looks to be a sewn on one
  65. bricktamland

    Bulldogs Announce O’Neills as Official Apparel Partner

    Does this mean a sewn emblem ?
  66. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Or they know they’ll be exposed. Media will constantly show two photos of Epstein and trump from years and years ago but a democrat president continued to hang out with Epstein ( Clinton ) and all these celebs endorsing Kamala have been spotted with Diddy. LOL
  67. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Why are all the Diddy celebrities supporting Kamala ? Anyone ?
  68. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  69. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  70. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    It’s his most 6th highest viewed interview yet in one day. It’s ok you failed again. And in one day, give it a week and see how many views it gets And sold out Madison square garden in a blue state
  71. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Her Beyoncé appearance is at 790 k views . Trumps rogan video on just rogan alone is almost 20 million in 21 hours that’s the popularity of it. And people booed her and walked out when they found out Beyoncé ain’t appearing. Hahah waiting for the typical losers to comment here and be salty. All...
  72. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Peace in the Middle East trump says. No more war mongering democrats and rhinos
  73. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Just watch Biden showering with his daughter that’s a fact discovered in Ashley bidens diary. You are walking into losses bro. Give up your are the wests tigers of this discussion!
  74. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Howard stern attacked trump first , whoppi Goldberg used to praise trump till he ran for office. More fails from you bro! The view ? They bash trump daily ! #fail stern literally got retarted people on his show and makes fun of them just YouTube it, he also does black face. Not exactly your...
  75. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    They are but trump isn’t. But democrats mostly are , many pedo rings and people linked to democrats who get done for being pedos. Look at all of them picture with Diddy , Epstein , Weinstein, Anthony Weiner, they will continue to show one photo with Epstein and trump when trump kicked him out of...
  76. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Bro he went on abc news for a debate , he went on cnn for a debate and owned her even with biased moderators. Stop living in fantasy land ! It’s hilarious you’re actually hilarious she declined a fox debate then begged to go on to fox to try win swing state voters it’s what the candidate does...
  77. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Democrats and Disney and pedos all flock together
  78. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Dwac stock actually made a lot of people rich silly
  79. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Crazy to think she is in the background but has been friends with all the pedos, Diddy, Weinstein, even that weird guy who raped all those women who she promoted on her show.
  80. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    So effectively any answer she’s asked she can’t answer unless it’s scripted trumps been getting hostile interviews for years and still comes out on top. She’s so Devo she didn’t even show up to the big dinner with all the officials. She got booed when they mentioned her video call in.
  81. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Ivermectin works. Pfizer Moderna don’t ! This meme is hilarious and accurate
  82. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Kamala’s interview on fox so bad they had to cut it short. Ever since she started doing interviews she started tanning cause everyone can see she’s stupid! Haha so good to see
  83. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Money is more accurate all polls lead to a trump victory . It’s ok try cope! I actually love your replies cause I don’t even bother reading the dis information from the boosted dog
  84. bricktamland

    Okunbur to return to bulldogs!

    I remember holding so tight to my couch every time he touched the ball. It’s like every game he just ate popcorn and had butter fingers
  85. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    court cases that have all failed and will all be dead. Russia was a lie, hunter bidens laptop was a lie. Enjoy the salt
  86. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  87. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Lol just saw video for p.a Their election official says we might not know the winner for days after election day in pa. Someone trying to cheat since he’s winning in p.a . Last year Joe was polling 5 points clear and trump was up 600,000 at 3 am when polls closed. That’s why they want illegals...
  88. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Cry .. 100,000 people in the blue state of California . I haven’t read about this once but mustn’t of mattered to much cause he’s still going up
  89. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    More fails by Jack smith
  90. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  91. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Doing just fine :) very content with facts. Cope harder
  92. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  93. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Even these journalists are scared and know what’s up.
  94. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    It’ll be over turned ;)
  95. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  96. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  97. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Cope harder. The judge Trish James case is dead
  98. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Shhhhhhhhhhhhh enjoy the salt baby
  99. bricktamland

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0
