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  1. O

    Three Burning Issues At Every Club 2025-Bulldogs

    I think everyone is going off the sand dunes at the start of the off season for this conclusion. Let's hope Amone has/had a big off season after that moment and pushed himself to catch up.
  2. O

    Official 2025 BULLDOGS NRL DRAW

    Finally, we can go to Allianz and watch the Dogs play!
  3. O

    Official 2025 BULLDOGS NRL DRAW

    GF from 1988 onwards was played at the SFS.
  4. O

    Official 2025 BULLDOGS NRL DRAW

  5. O

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    You must be hiding under a rock! The news is so pro Harris like they were Clinton and Biden it is beyond a joke!
  6. O

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Australia needs this... Lebanon needs this... So many countries need to completely overhaul immigration to immigrants who want to integrate only and who come here legally! All illegals needs to 100% be sent back and all illegals made legal by Marxist regimes need to go also! It's always the non...
  7. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Haha funny. Lets meet at an oval wtf you 15? Probably are. Come to Brighton RSL tonight... ill be there.
  8. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    You are right, you are the only reasonable one on here! If only the army was strong to take charge but a militia is stronger and dictates it unfortunately. I'll stop now but I know they'll continue and call me a cowards etc. mehh whatever call away especially L.B :kissingheart:
  9. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Yeah ok invite me somewhere you and me can talk 1 on 1. I would love to hear your perspective without all this name calling from both of us. Maybe you can change my mind
  10. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Was at Canterbury Leagues on Saturday night talking about Hezbollah and celebrating Nasrallah's death (Israel confirmation was enough, didn't need to wait for Hezbollah's confirmation)... Laughed loud about it! Didn't even end up watching the Football.
  11. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    I always wear my ouwet cross everywhere... I don't hide it! I wore it in Lebanon too even when I crossed to the West side! Again I said why I deleted... Everything I deleted I have basically said since so get your head out of your ass and pay attention Umo
  12. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Is all you do jump in on arguing with insults? Seriously. Either contribute something worthwhile or run along.
  13. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    hahaha re-read the thread please... I deleted 4 or so posts way after the first time I posted on her because I thought you guys are so brainwashed it's not worth arguing about, then you guys kept piling it on after I had stopped with the same BS. Let's ask our spiritual Hassan for some...
  14. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    It is Syrian lands 100%... Can I ask you a question Hacky? Why is a Lebanese group firing for a piece of land that's not Lebanese? This is the issue. Why hasn't Syria once fired anything on Israel? Syria and Iran are using Hezbollah and Lebanon as the human sacrifices for it's BS
  15. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    I'm happy to stop the insults but they keep coming... Scum is nice compared to what others have said but let's excuse those right. Again so one sided lol...
  16. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    I never once excused any massacres by the Ouwet... I said it was horrible. War is horrible, no one is innocent NO ONE! The other side IMO were worse but that's because to me it was the other side and to you the Ouwet were the other side.
  17. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    This muppet for real? Hezbollah committed Lebanon to a war by attacking Israel and you all cannot admit that! Palestinians killed tens of thousands of Lebanese! Damour? Chekka? FMD I can list dozens of massacres done by the Palestinians and LNM. Stop thinking the sun comes out of your asses...
  18. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Regurgitating the same BS! I never wanted this war... I wanted Hezbollah disarmed and not being given the chance to drag Lebanon into a war! You guys are celebrating Hezbollah which directly celebrates this mess.
  19. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    LOL ditto to you guys!
  20. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    OMG for the 1st time we agree... Miracles do happen 100% Iran has given the green light for Hezbollah to be destroyed! Iran is going bankrupt and on it's last legs, a revolution is coming and the Persian people cannot stand religiously being dictated on how to live anymore! The government is...
  21. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    You'll be classified as a Zionist now for posting facts lmfao
  22. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Who is happy? Who started this war between Hezbollah and Israel? You keep skipping this FACT that it was Hezbollah! Why should anyone help Hezbollah? NO OTHER Lebanese group is helping them, go post and bitch too them also! Israel isn't taking over all of Lebanon LOL... It's not taking over any...
  23. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    You ignored making shit up about me in 2006 LMFAO Typical! Don't be a pussy... Go fight Israel Yalla!
  24. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    2006 I was in Europe during the war... You are talking from your ass like usual! I wasn't even a member in 2006 hahahahaha... Joined May 10, 2007 When all you Hezbollah supporters go to Lebanon to fight against Israel let me know... I'll wave you guys off for the last time in your life! Oh...
  25. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    No worries I took the word muppet out of the last post! I hate all these insults from everyone. Anyone who has a differing opinion is a "Kaleb" or "Piece of shit" and other insults. I am happy to relax and stop the name calling, the ball is in everyone else's hands now.
  26. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Brother You are assyrian? Over 1000 Assyrian gave up their lives for the Kataeb/Ouwet/Christians in Lebanon! Assyrians had so much respect in the organisation... It's shame you have no idea on the real Assyrian stances! Why would the Ouwet do anything? Has the Druze done anything? Where are...
  27. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Nawwww Iraq launched some cute little rockets!! LMFAO! Where are the 100,000 Iraqi Shia soldiers? Have they started marching towards Israel yet?
  28. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Iran government/Islamic republic is going to get overthrown very soon... They're all talk no action and the majority of Iranians are peace loving people who don't want this arms build up or wars, they want prosperity, jobs, food & entertainment!
  29. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Again you moron... Get this through that thick brain of yours. IF HEZBOLLAH DIDN'T LAUNCH ROCKETS ONTO ISRAEL FROM OCTOBER 8TH ONWARDS THIS WOULDN'T BE HAPPENING! So thick! This attack is limited and that limitation is solely in Hezbollah's hand! They have to fully disarm and integrate into...
  30. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation In the last hour! YES Hezbollah hides no weapons in Civilian areas or apartments LOL These animals hiding weapons and supplies and liquids etc. blew up the Port killed 200 Lebanese and injured tens of thousands! They stopped any...
  31. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    You are a typical disgusting Palestinian piece of work who think the world should care about your moronic cause, newsflash darling no one cares about you! Israel isn't going away, no one but left wing nutjobs care about the Palestinians literally not even Arabs LMFAO! The Lebanese don't care...
  32. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    The LNM/Palestinians were the rabid dogs who are only good for killing defenseless women and children! When the Christians stood up they couldn't take it and cried and bitched like you always do! Cowards on the highest order, not worth my spit! Seriously? You are that delusional you goose, who...
  33. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    It was horrific I can admit it! I can come up with excuses and say things like Elie Hobieka who was on the Syrian payroll and his men did the massacre like L.B uses every excuse under the sun but I won't. They cannot admit the Muslims/Communists/Socialists/SSNP/Palestinians were worse or at...
  34. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Israel are light years ahead of these desert morons! Yemen population is starving and all the shia in that country care about is war.
  35. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    You have avoided everything from my posts and use the same insults! I'm gonna ignore them all except this! 2006 what part of Lebanon was Israel occupying when Hezbollah provoked the war? Shebaa Farms? It was always Syrian since day one of when lebanon was created but since Syria is to pussy...
  36. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Of course it's Hezbollah's fault! Let's not go back to the previous century... This century in 2006 who crossed the border and killed a couple of soldiers and kidnapped 2 more? What did they think Israel would do? praise them? Oct 8th after Oct 7th who fired on who? Hezbollah fired on Israel...
  37. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Don't through around the racist word if you don't know what it means! Who is responsible? If I say Palestinians for being armed in Lebanon, for firing on Israel before 1985, killing Lebanese prior to 1975 you will automatically use the racist word as all socialists/left wing...
  38. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Again I don't care Israel V Palestinian is not anyone's issue but Israel & Palestinians. LOL Palestinians are so full of themselves thinking everyone has to give a damN!
  39. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Chickened out of what? Helping Palestinians? You think you are so special the world as to give 2 fucks about you! Deal with your own shit!! No one cares expect moron left wing nutjobs and some Arabs!
  40. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Let's look at Hezbollah CV since Oct 2004 (In peace time, not civil war)... The rats are getting what they deserve! October 2004: Attempted assassination of Marwan Hamadeh - February 14, 2005: The assassination of Rafik Hariri - March 19, 2005: The New New Bombing - March 23, 2005: Kaslik...
  41. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Are they? Or are the Axis of wankers/Palestinians seeing how far they can push Israel? Yemen the backward desert morons have been hitting Israel for a while... What do they expect? Hezbollah same, they started it, what did the rats (harom I'm comparing them to rats, forgive me rats, you'd don't...
  42. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    ok mate keep telling yourself that! The Cowards were the Lebanese who betrayed Lebanon and sided with the armed refugees in Lebanon! Again you Muppets put Arabs/Palestinians before Lebanon and you are doing it again! Let's think of your logic, it's all Israeli's fault LMFAO. Who told...
  43. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Yeah you can tell you are not Lebanese! Read history and how these 2 entities killed tens of thousands of Lebanese you Muppet! How Syria raped, stole, imprisoned, tortured, killed and occupied the whole country! PLO don't get me started on these animals! Stfu and stop thinking the Arabs...
  44. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    RIP Nasrallah lol
  45. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Seriously bud you need arak, beer won't do it. Relax and celebrate the glorious death in the sewers of rat boy!
  46. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    You think its ok for hezbollah to have stored weapons in residential areas (don't say they haven't videos everywhere of secondary rockets going kaboom)? You think its ok for hezbollah leaders to have meetings ontop of residential areas? They're cowards who hide behind civilians! This is the...
  47. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    No they won't! This is the beginning of the end of Hezbollah! There whole leadership has been wiped out not just rat boy! The Lebanese people after 30 years of hezbollah terror have for the 1st time seen its weakness and will liberate Lebanon from that sectarian party of the devil. Hezbollah...
  48. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    NASRALLAH WAS UNDER RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS YOU GOOSE! Who is responsible for those 6 buildings going down? Hezbollah! Thick as fuck you are!
  49. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Amal leader and Lebanon's biggest thief Nabih Berri better start sleeping with one eye open!! He's next.
  50. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Thanks dictator bomb! We are talking about lebanese politics u goose not Australia! Muppet
  51. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    By my logic? I've been attacked by most posters for having a differing opinion! Say that to all the others also buddy!
  52. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Said rat is no more! Ding dong the rat is dead! The world rejoices the butcher of so many innocent lives is dead!
  53. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Boys and Girls my shout... Nasrallah sharwarma!! Confirmed dead like a rat underground
  54. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Bro 100% the people don't deserve it... its harom! But these people want these militias and these militias bring this sort of mess!
  55. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    I don't give 2 fucks what religion you are... good for you, guess what I'm orthodox also (for real) who cares! Palestinians overstayed their welcome got armed fought against lebanese time for them to get pushed to Gaza or the sea! My parents didn't come to Australia on a refugee visa or as...
  56. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Your responses are Dumb fuck Let adults talk When you can write an argument with points then someone might reply to you! All your replies are insults and have no logic! Anyone who differs is a Zionist lol you ignore the fact majority of Lebanon hate hezbollah. You ignore Iran has been silent...
  57. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Probably refugees who will one day get kicked out of Lebanon! Lebanon for the Lebanese only! Fight your wars on your land not ours!
  58. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Lol... Lebanon is rejoicing. The end of hezbollah is near and no one gives a fuck about Gaza and West Bank! Hey you think Arafat and Nasrallah are getting screwed in hell by the devil as I type? Inshallah.
  59. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Don't comment on Lebanon you Muppet! Syrians Palestinians Iraqis Iranians comment on Lebanon when they're not even Lebanese! Sit the fuck down and don't interfere!
  60. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    If anyone wants Nasrallah Shawarma it's being distributed nice and fresh in Beirut... delicious!
  61. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    No dude you are! Lebanon 1st 2nd and 3rd! Not religion, not Palestinian issue not arab issues! You muppets are traitors who put other moronic things before Lebanon! Pfft
  62. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Videos everywhere in Lebanon of Sunni's celebrating... Christians Celebrating and Druze celebrating! It brings tears to my eyes that Lebanon is united against those hezbollah/Palestinian/syrian/Iranaian rats!!
  63. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    No it didn't! Israel V Palestinians did! You guys need to get it through your heads once and for all, Palestine, Palestinians are not Lebanese! Lebanon is its own country! You are the traitors who put them in front of us! Pfft
  64. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    You moron open your eyes! Hezbollah had no right to launch rockets into Israel for Oct 7th. They put Gaza in front of Lebanon, they're the traitors! Sunnis in Tripoli are partying lmfao. No one wants hezbollah but the Muppet Iranians and Palestinians and some idiotic lebanese who put Palestine...
  65. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Such a beautiful day guys!! Lets see if the rat died in the sewer... quite fitting If he did! If he didn't his days are numbered!
  66. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Who is the piece of shit that wants war? You or me? A peaceful Lebanon is what a joke to you? The price of peace is to help people destroy each other? Think before you write... Brainwashed muppet.
  67. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    I ignored and deleted my posts but F you you dumb moron! You bring up the Crusades are you for real you muppet? Bring up the conquest of the ME through the sword over centuries by Islam... Bring up the conquest of Spain and Africa through the sword you kalba... Bring up the conquest of Europe...
  68. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Centuries not 40 years... it makes perfect sense unfortunately war follows a people who want it.
  69. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Harom... look at the people scrambling to leave the Jnoub and for what? A cause that no other Arab country cares about? Hezbollah brings nothing but Iranian/Shia influence over Lebanon and you think I'm sectarian? They bring nothing but death and war... who asked them to get involved in Gaza...
  70. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    I was honest? From my post it's clear I am not pro Hezbollah and so many Lebanese are in this category! Most Sunni's, Most Christians and Most Druze! Again I was honest and bloody oaths we are not Arabs! More division? Division is/was created when one Militia kept it weapons and has free rein...
  71. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    I don't care what happens in West Bank and Gaza, we are Lebanese! Let the 100 million Arabs worry about that stuff not Lebanon! Where is Syria? Egypt? Saudi? Iraq? Etc. No one cares. Hezbollah is holding lebanon hostage to its will! If they want war lebanon has to go to war! They ruined another...
  72. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    17 Radwan terrorists so far were eliminated when they gathered in a tunnel under the building! How can anyone say it wasn't targeted? They are using human shields, if they cared about civilians they wouldn't do it! Did Israel tell Hezbollah to have a meeting in a tunnel underneath a residential...
  73. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation hahahaha
  74. O

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Hezbollah Head of Communication came out in the last hour with this message. "No Mobile, No Pager... No Worries comrades!"
  75. O

    Regarding Josh Addo Carr

    Trindall owned up to it... He stood himself down for weeks to do Rehab. JAC lied to the Dogs about it, he made Gus look like a moron! The guy will be 30 soon, way past his best, on massive money for a winger... Perfect chance to sack him and keep Wilson!
  76. O

    Regarding Josh Addo Carr

    The club test was done Monday... The Police Friday, who knows when he took the drugs but its out of your system by Monday.
  77. O

    Regarding Josh Addo Carr

    Problem is like Gus said he was with the club and players the whole time! When did he take the drugs? Did other players take it? so many more questions now the media will ask to derail our season.
  78. O

    Regarding Josh Addo Carr

  79. O

    Regarding Josh Addo Carr

    Daily Telegraph reporting 2nd positive test
  80. O

    OFFICIAL | PRE-GAME Finals Week 1 | vs Manly | 4:05pm Sunday @ Accor

    To put our sales into perspective... Penrith V Roosters, two Sydney teams has just sold out LMFAO in a stadium that holds just over 20,000.
  81. O

    OFFICIAL | PRE-GAME Finals Week 1 | vs Manly | 4:05pm Sunday @ Accor

    If 50,000 is sold Level 6 would be open! Still thousands of tickets in the lower bowl available + some in Level 4. I'd say a touch under 40,000 sold so far with Stadium Members & Sponsers etc maybe 42,000 now if lucky. Depending on sales today, tomorrow n Walk Ups we could get between 45K on the...
  82. O

    OFFICIAL | PRE-GAME Finals Week 1 | vs Manly | 4:05pm Sunday @ Accor

    There tickets if members might've been printed earlier! I bought mine earlier on that same day and it was 32600 ish
  83. O

    OFFICIAL | PRE-GAME Finals Week 1 | vs Manly | 4:05pm Sunday @ Accor

    Firstly brother you said they have "just passed" the 60,000 mark. Secondly reply with emoji all you like if the crowd is 65,000+ Not even 40,000 have been sold yet bro... 60000 cannot fit in the lower bowl lmfao and thousands haven't been sold yet down there.
  84. O

    OFFICIAL | PRE-GAME Finals Week 1 | vs Manly | 4:05pm Sunday @ Accor

    Your mate is pulling your leg! To pass 60000 the whole lower bowl level 4 both sides need to be full to the max and level 6 has to have a fair few in there. Bottom bowl isn't full nor is level 4 both sides.
  85. O

    Manly fans are planning to hijack accor stadium LOLLL

    Lol who cares what a journalist says... hopefully the boys use all this as motivation.
  86. O

    OFFICIAL | PRE-GAME Finals Week 1 | vs Manly | 4:05pm Sunday @ Accor

    Already sold over 30,000 considering those are hard sales not including Dog members like the last 2 games the crowd will be much much bigger! PAX numbers were off by a fair bit last 2 times cause so many members didn't turn up... The PAX for this game will be much closer to the mark.
  87. O

    OFFICIAL | PRE-GAME Finals Week 1 | vs Manly | 4:05pm Sunday @ Accor

    Considering 4 more full days of sales too come and tickets at the gate + no corporate tickets haven't been printed yet that number is really good!
  88. O

    OFFICIAL | PRE-GAME Finals Week 1 | vs Manly | 4:05pm Sunday @ Accor

    Bro that's 30,000 in 2 days of pure sales... I don't think stadium member tickets have been allocated yet nor sponsors etc which should add more + 4 more days of sales. If level 6 opens 50,000+ is a chance if not 45,000 Max.
  89. O

    Manly fans are planning to hijack accor stadium LOLLL

    Issue is lots of Dog supporters have jumped off the bandwagon from last 2 weeks! Manly, judging by sales are tracking around 30% of sales... we need to encourage all our supporters to turn up.
  90. O

    OFFICIAL | PRE-GAME Finals Week 1 | vs Manly | 4:05pm Sunday @ Accor

    It was 24,000 at around midday... Heaps of tickets gone after that also.
  91. O

    OFFICIAL | PRE-GAME Finals Week 1 | vs Manly | 4:05pm Sunday @ Accor

    Lots of the premium categories down to singles... A few of the outer bays also down! tickets have been on sale for less then 2 days, I'd say around 30,000 sold so far.
  92. O

    OFFICIAL | PRE-GAME Finals Week 1 | vs Manly | 4:05pm Sunday @ Accor

    Yeah sounds right! That 40,000 number would've been transactions. 24,000 is really good for 1 day of sales going into 2nd now. Will sell around 35-40K IMO and members/coporates etc should take us to 45K
  93. O

    OFFICIAL | PRE-GAME Finals Week 1 | vs Manly | 4:05pm Sunday @ Accor

    I don't understand why everyone is pissed and some are saying they don't want to go on Sunday anymore. No one is bigger than the club! Ado Carr is a moron and deserves to get stood down or the sack for the simple fact he took Cocaine while injured, I’m guessing this is common in RL...
  94. O

    OFFICIAL | PRE-GAME Rd 27 | vs Cowboys | 5:30pm Sat @ Accor

    I bought tickets Wednesday night and it was 37,700
  95. O

    Bulldogs fans in trouble again

    Bunch of fuckwits! If you get pulled over deny you were beeping the horn! This form of policing is why so many people don't like the Police! Stick to the main stuff and let the people have fun! If you buy a house in Belmore you are an idiot if you don't expect beeping at this time of the year...
  96. O

    Finals footy - Scenario A or B

    No chance we getting 60-70K against Knights or Dolphins lol 50K at most against Newcastle... 40K at most against Dolphins
  97. O

    Score prediction/crowd/man of the match vs manly

    Tickets printed I believe. So yeah but it's always more then the number who go to the game due to Members of stadium/Bulldogs who had tickets previously not turning up.
  98. O

    Score prediction/crowd/man of the match vs manly

    If anyone buys a ticket today please post PAX number here...