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  1. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Even talking like the shitter in chief. Wow. #CommittedToTheCause :tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy:
  2. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Isn't this the way it works for The shitter in chief cck suckers? Someone says something you disagree with you all pile on. Then when they make a deal out of the pile on - its woke. And if you dont go down the woke path because its too close to home, you say 'you do it'. So all good for you but...
  3. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  4. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  5. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  6. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  7. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Just watched UFC312 - DDP (from SA if u don't know) just destroyed Strickland (USA). In the cage interview - he asked for his SA flag to drape around his shoulders. Then he said sorry, I forgot I'm not allowed to have my flag up here. I watch a lot of UFC. Thats new. Guess we cannot have a...
  8. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    That moment where 6 months ago you go - nah - just playing. Now you go - yeah - you got a point. And I'll add to this my man. If I as an Aussie went to the US and...
  9. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Have you ever wondered what is under a MAGA hat?
  10. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  11. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  12. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    And if they did - Israel/US would go full tilt. Imagine a belts and road country on Israels doorstep. The US would do everything to stop it happening.
  13. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  14. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    You forgot to mention that the Shitter in Chief explicitly said it was also because of the UN case against Israel for Genocide. Lol.
  15. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  16. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  17. Doogie

    News Mid Air plane crash in the US

    Yeah. But they were fat people. Once the shitter in chiefs policies are fully implemented they'll be skinny people and it will be faster.
  18. Doogie

    News Mid Air plane crash in the US

    But those holes are all the exactly same size. You know how much effort that takes? :innocent:
  19. Doogie

    Cricket 2024-25 Thread

    Thats boring. They keep bowling noballs that goes on forever. Copped 8 of my own bowling once. Ran two, an over throw and the next single the ball hit someones hat that fell of their head. Its ok. They are all dead now so I'm cool with it.
  20. Doogie

    Cricket 2024-25 Thread

    Chicken feed.
  21. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    You know my views on Gaza bro. So you know whats coming is meant to be an impartial observation. The problem is simple and I'll speak to the US. The jewish lobby has too much money and too much power. You go against them, you cop that apparatus working against you and if you're not in power...
  22. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Critically is not written into any obscure website about bat penis. So how is he ever gunna spell that word into a browser from scratch?
  23. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Probably because what they are doing is illegal, immoral and has all the smell of totalitarianism. And if Adolf Tittler did all the right things, for example, divested himself of conficts of interest, his scope covered only what was done by the govt rather than personal data and underwent a...
  24. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Yes. Thanks for agreeing. Once again the KennelDEI program has worked well. We all have consensus.
  25. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  26. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    That give you an answer bro? isn't covering that..... :tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy:
  27. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Yes - but that baby has one over you. Its seen a boob and gets to taste it.
  28. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Ya never watched any Fox program? I watched some clips today. 5 hosts. Four chicks wearing red dresses and one dude with a red tie. Not even subtle anymore.
  29. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    well yeah. If it was that bad - why not do it the first time? Thats all I need to know. As for the money in Afghanistan - funny that. Heroin is nowhere near the issue it was 20 years ago. So I wonder whats different. So when they weren't giving money it was an issue but when they gave money...
  30. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  31. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    The great unwashed...
  32. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    And news networks never show a full FLAFOTUS speech. Because it goes on for hours longer than it should and sounds like Old man yells at cloud. 3 strikes. Your out. #Sheeples
  33. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Actually - nah. The shitter in chief can say what he wants but each and everyone of those public servants are by acts of congress to each agency. So only Congress can get rid of each agency. Now Musks appointment is actually under Schedule F. Which means he can be directly appointed by FLAFOTUS...
  34. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Is it? So excluding the Ukraine years - it was more (inflation corrected) under FLAFOTUS than under Biden. So if it was so bad, why didn't the Shitter in Chief fix it 1st time around? #Sheeples
  35. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    And for those who are interested in what Americans think - still very split on party lines. Guess we're still waiting on the cost of living crunch to really...
  36. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    And just another example of 'how low can you go' from the world of the shit stain. He just sacked the National Archivist. Aparrently she will be replaced with another person. So why is the National Archivist important or what does the Shitter in Chief have against her? Its a small obscure govt...
  37. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    And therefore it's not safe to use them. Now stop harassing me, I'm writing a draft on the probability of more effective fire.starting from trans space lasers.
  38. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Thats ok - it will get rescinded when the shitter axes federal funding. And then your nieces who are already recieving an education that ranks 40th in the world (not my words - da bosses - but in this case he's actually correct) can get an education thats even worse than 40th because nothing...
  39. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Thats a loaded question because most soft drinks or fruit juices constitute a pH of somewhere between 2.5 and 4. Is that a dilute acid? Plus - where's the guarantee a drinking water straw meets 'food grade'. No one is bothering to enforce production standards. You know yourself that health risk...
  40. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Yep - very familiar with the PR process. Well respected Journal? You should know that Wiley had plenty of well respected Journals. That ended well. And you and I will never know who actually reviewed so you can only go on the editorial board and IF. IF - max 2.9 now 2.3 - thats very meh. What...
  41. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    And yet - you want to quote a 'well peer reviewed' paper (whatever that is) that has high levels (whatever that is) of PFx in paper and bamboo straws. Assume you're talking this one? coz thats the one that went viral after USEPA...
  42. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Got anything bigger? 8-)
  43. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    #Paracelsus @Mr 95% - help.
  44. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    anyways - back to official business. Damn corrupt USAID....
  45. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    So you're not sucking up liquids with a straw and more likely than not doing it outdoors in the sun? You also forgot acidic liquids. That covers all soft drinks, all fruit drinks and probably every consumable liquid you can think of except mineral water. @Mr 95% - you've probably run out of...
  46. Doogie

    News Mid Air plane crash in the US

    No idea why you don't let Tittler go at it. After all, he successfully landed the booster on SpaceX7. That was awesome. And the command module that detonated into itsy bitsy bits all over the carribean has created a thriving economy in resale of spacex bits on Ebay. Win win.
  47. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    So you shouldn't try to limit your consumption and therefore its ok to suck on cheap ass plastic? @Mr 95% - can u lend me another facepalm?
  48. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Worse/better who knows. I throw food in the air and it lands chopped. Its a talent.
  49. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Oh. So how does the plastic get in your brain? Osmosis? Or could it be you consume them. And I wonder how you could consume plastics if you are sucking up liquids with a plastic straw? @Mr 95% - can u lend me a facepalm?
  50. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    They were the Shitter in Chiefs Kidney Stones. S'pose if u polish em enough they go shiny :tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy:
  51. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    hahaha...... yeah... sure....
  52. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  53. Doogie

    Soccer English Premier League Banter Thread

    Just gunna chuck this here to show that the despite the lack of anything credible out of the popguns... they do have one redeeming feature.
  54. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Oh man - this just gets funnier and funnier. So Bondi has just nixed the govt taskforce designed to find and acquire the proceeds of agents who engage in...
  55. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Japanese PM flies all the way over to meet the shitter in chief. So what did Ishiba get out of it? - demand from FLAFOTUS that Nissan will invest in steel in the US (its actually Nippon but hey - begins with a 'N') - commitment that Japan will cop tariffs - commitment that FLAFOTUS will keep on...
  56. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    I got on that too - I mixed it with my iverectum, used my 75ml syringe and.... Never mind.
  57. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Nah - that was funny. Dude is a Fox stooger so the q' are all scripted. You could see the shitter in chief flicking through his notes as the q was being asked and then went - fck it. Who the fck forgot to put in the coloured postit notes - I'm winging it. Sure other media will roll in now and...
  58. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    And since we're on stupidity - gunna throw this one out to our good buddy @Brendan7 - trans crusader. Hey bro. You made it clear you were stoked with the EO on getting trans out of kids sports. So what was the wording of that - all schools who recieve federal funding - ban on trans playing...
  59. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Anyways - now that plastics are sorted - back on to the subject of 'Why are Americans so stupid'. So this one is a beauty. The pet Fox journo asked straight up - why does DOGE need all the personal details of average Americans? The answer.. Sort of neglected the fact that DOGE would not have...
  60. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    U like plastic in your brain?
  61. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Oh well...
  62. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  63. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Leave @bricktamland alone. His political news sources are impeccable - Lindsay as an independent wellness advocate who sells some amazing essential oils. Reckon the X algorithm on his phone is set to fckwit mode - feed me. :tearsofjoy...
  64. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Well - got a little bit of humour for you'all. December last year - someone waxed lyricially about Time and the honour... However when this came out - what do you reckon the quote was? Whhaaaa? They still in business? Not even 3 months. lol.
  65. Doogie

    Soccer The Liverpool FC Super Thread

    Bottling? Fair enough. Always good to talk to an expert.
  66. Doogie

    Soccer The Liverpool FC Super Thread

  67. Doogie

    Soccer The Liverpool FC Super Thread

    U should have a drink to settle yourself down.
  68. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    One for you @UmoGus
  69. Doogie

    Soccer The Liverpool FC Super Thread

    Or u do some lessons on human anatomy. the elbow is the pointy bit on the end. The bit you can see on the other side of Richos head.
  70. Doogie

    Soccer The Liverpool FC Super Thread

    How about it wasn't even an elbow?
  71. Doogie

    Soccer The Liverpool FC Super Thread

  72. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    and this ones for you @ASSASSIN
  73. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  74. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  75. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  76. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  77. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    No idea my man but seriously this is worse than a TV series
  78. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    And the latest. Tax. The shitter in chief has just removed all tax breaks for major sports team owners in the US. 3 days before superbowl. Looking forward to this one.
  79. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    And just when u think you have heard it all...
  80. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    and meanwhile - on the west bank - while everyone is distracted around Gaza... The Jenin refugee camp has been rocked by explosions as the Israeli military continues its weeks-long operations there. Israeli forces have stormed the town of Beit Kahil, north of Hebron, and Jalazone camp in...
  81. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    So what comes first. Peace in Ukraine or the US pulling all sanctions against the network of Oligarchs supporting Putin? Bet you can guess where this landed.
  82. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    And just sacked the federal election commissioner. Her response? Nah. U cannot do that. So I'm gunna continue to stir up more trouble.
  83. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Cannot script this stuff.
  84. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Yep. If Columbus didn't discover the US then the shitter in chief wouldn't be planning ethnic cleansing to build holiday resorts. Damn Spaniards.
  85. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Interesting - this is what everyone says as an attempt to downplay what the Shitter in Chief has just proposed. Zionist politicians say Biden held them back. Zionist politicians say FLAFOTUS is the best thing that has happened for them - ever. Yeah. no one is innocent. But regardless of the...
  86. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

  87. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    No idea? Exactly.
  88. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Another one turned up. Not surprised.
  89. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Now Rubio is refusing to go to the G20 in SA. Due to the new SA land appropriation laws. Which were only legislated 10 days ago and so far have not been used. And are pretty close to what we have here. So how are the US making a deal out of this while at the same doing worse in Gaza. No idea...
  90. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Yep. And we still have clowns here making excuses.
  91. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Israeli Settlement Minister Orit Strook has told Israel’s Army Radio that the previous US administration “tied our hands with an arms embargo and severely harmed our soldiers”. She also said Israel’s now former army chief Herzi Halevi and then-Defence Minister Yoav Gallant “undermined cabinet...
  92. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    I'm sure you would. But no dissing luffy. Oda will piss on your grave.
  93. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Idiot. Its Boruto all day every day.
  94. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Deflecting again? I put down my words - I stand by them. You're just scum bro. An apologist for ethnic cleansing. I'm out. Given you more oxygen than you deserve.
  95. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Really? Well Palestine existed under successive US Presidents for years. Israel didn't dare push too hard. And we follow the Shitter in Chiefs mantra in 12 months - nah. Gone. Seriously - just admit. I'm an apologist for ethnic cleansing in its totality because I dig micro shrooms. No need to...
  96. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    Punish? Why? Coz I'm holding you to account? WW1 and 2 - hows that similar the the middle east. Regardless we're moving off topic. Your guy just came out and pushed for ethnic cleansing. You say your against it but still cannot say anything against your guy. So that makes you an apologist...
  97. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    You want to compare this to WW2? People died. About the only comparison thats valid. Whats also valid is you spent hours trolling most here about the shitter in chief. And he's just come out with ethnic cleansing and the evilest land grab I can think of in 50 years. And while you're [cough...
  98. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    You're an idiot. Adelson was his 2nd biggest financial supporter. What do you think she spends over a $100MUS for? Hates DEI? :tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy: :tearsofjoy: Here ya go. This is what your man has started. Straight out of Israel.... Plenty...
  99. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

    One brick at a time. Same way they've done every time US bombs have been dropped on Gaza. One thing is absolutely proven in Palestine. You give up land to the Israelis, short of the US dropping support, you are never getting it back. And if u think thats not the plan - thats a lonely island my...
  100. Doogie

    U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0
