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  1. Özil

    Bulldogs Announce O’Neills as Official Apparel Partner

    Fantastic news! Glad we finally got rid of that Best and Less brand.
  2. Özil

    The Aerosexual Thread

    How epic does the North Korean Air Show look?
  3. Özil

    The Aerosexual Thread

    Didn't know this thread existed, I worked at Virgin Australia between 2021-2024. Not a fan of the B737 fleet that VA have, they use to have the B777-300ER when they use to fly to LA, they were great airplanes, but now these fleet are with QR. When I was working out the virgin office at Sydney...
  4. Özil

    Who caused the housing crisis?

    If we go back to 2011, Chinese investors entered the market, were overpaying for houses in Sydney because they considered it 'cheap' and instantly burnt the market. So when the Chinese entered the property market, it became sellers market where property owners were able to sell their property...
  5. Özil

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Was it really a smart move from Iran to launch missiles at Israel?
  6. Özil

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    As unhinged as the Trump is, was there any war under his presidency? Because I can't really think of any or any that I can remember. Under Biden, wars have broke out
  7. Özil

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Biden is a self confessed Zionist, he doesn't show any empathy for the Palestinians, lacks humanity and he just says in public "No Israel please don't do that" whilst still funding this war by giving Israel $26b in arms and just recently approved by giving Israel another $9b worth arms...
  8. Özil

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    The original plan for Hamas was to kidnap and execute military personnel near the Gaza border and attack their military sites near the border of Gaza but it was Sinwar who went against that plan with Al-Qassam brigade to kidnap and execute the civilians. But there were also other things that...
  9. Özil

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Bro, I was in Lebanon literally 2 months ago, I have seen people wear Ouwet cross in my city of Tripoli and no one in the area batted an eyelid. There's little to no hate in Lebanon, everybody are passed the political and religious hate. The Lebanese army do not take shit from people who start...
  10. Özil

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    What's funny is how the Jerusalem Post removed the article from their site but can still access it through here
  11. Özil

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Then I have mixed you up with other LF supporters that we had here and you're all one of the same
  12. Özil

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Occupation and annexation And they've already started to sell some real estate there as well
  13. Özil

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Most of them are claiming that Lebanon was 'once a beautiful Christian country' until the Muslims came in and destroyed it and they want Muslims gone from Lebanon so it can become a Christian country again. Shame they don't know their history and can look back on nostalgia from the 50s and 60s...
  14. Özil

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Typical response from you. You're not a true Lebanese person, you should change your nationality to Israel, and settle in the occupied territories, they will welcome you with open arms.
  15. Özil

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    You don't know Ouwet like me and some of the older members on here. Ouwet and Drummer boy, both massive LF supporters, both out and out Zionist supporters. Back in 2006, both were celebrating when Israel were bombing Beirut. And they both insulted and abused anyone who supported Hezbollah's...
  16. Özil

    Iran v Israel - possible situation

    Funny how things and some people never change. Now for me personally I don't really care that Nasrallah has been eliminated but at the same time, Israel has no right to carpet bomb the whole neighbourhood and kill 100s of civilians in the process. With the ground invasion very likely, you seem...
  17. Özil

    In loving memory of Habs, founder of The Kennel

    Brother how can you not remember me?
  18. Özil

    In loving memory of Habs, founder of The Kennel

    And all that time I thought he was one of Bob Dog's angry mates from Newcastle :tearsofjoy:
  19. Özil

    News Oasis Reunion

    Mate don't make me go all Bob dog on you and tell you it's all conspiracy!
  20. Özil

    News Oasis Reunion

    There's plans to refurbish or redevelop that whole Whitlam Centre area with new stadium and recreational centres and a 5-star, Liverpool mayor Ned Mannoun wants it to happen
  21. Özil

    In loving memory of Habs, founder of The Kennel

    I have just saw this now and I'm in deep shock about Habib, that was his original Kennel name when I first registered back in 2003, then he had other names along the way. We've had good discussions on both here and on MSN, I just wasn't aware he was a very good troll and he has got me good...
  22. Özil

    NRL Judiciary Report: Crichton faces ban for RTS tackle

    If the NRL wants to get really serious about concussions in the game, they need to also look at how players are running into the tackle head first and then knocking themselves out into the process when their heads hits the player's shoulder or arm like RTS did last night.
  23. Özil

    NRL Judiciary Report: Crichton faces ban for RTS tackle

    RTS came in head first and Crichton was bracing for impact, there no malice or intent from Crichton to hit RTS high. The unfortunate thing is that the NRL judiciary have no common sense and will suspend Crichton for a game or 2.
  24. Özil

    OFFICIAL | POST-GAME Rd 20 | Cowboys vs Bulldogs| 6.15pm Sunday @ Townsville

    Poor discipline in both attack and defence. Some of the mistakes we made in both were plain schoolboy errors and we should've done better. Also poor decision making, who's decision was it for us to go for the 2 points with 15 minutes to go after the Hayward no try? Ok we're leading by 2, what...
  25. Özil

    News The Whole West Tigers board dismissed

    The Balmain Tigers are fucked whichever way you look at it. Them letting Cleary walk back to Penrith when he still had 3 years left in his contract, then sacking Maguire when it clearly wasn't his fault for results on the field.
  26. Özil

    Article: Dogs unrest claims as text message reportedly reveals player ‘frustration’ at coach demands

    CBF reading through the whole thread. But these players are professional, those who have watched Folkesy's team train 20 or so years ago would remember, players arrive at 7:30am, they start training from 8am, they finish at around 9:30am. They even do some training at night time from 7:30pm to...
  27. Özil

    Opinion What is our identity?

    For those who supported the Bulldogs through the 80s, 90s, 00s and early 2010s would know that after having a bad season, the Bulldogs will bounce back immediately the next season. Either in the grand final or as Grand Final winner. You'd watch the team play with pride, passion, aggression and...
  28. Özil

    News Absolutely farcical’ bunker decision shows that the NRL has lost the plot

    Probably in the last 15 years or so, it just looks like the NRL have allowed the refs to dictate the outcomes of the games and blatantly make calls against certain teams. Us, Warriors and lesser extent tigers and Raiders have unfairly copped bad decisions consistently and the NRL don't give us...
  29. Özil

    Opinion Renters...

    That somehow isn't stopping foreign investors from China, India and Singapore into buying property in Australia.
  30. Özil

    Opinion Renters...

    Even during Covid, we locked out immigration, we built more houses and apartment blocks in NSW during that time and yet we started to have housing problems in late 2021. So how did this happen?
  31. Özil

    Opinion Renters...

    They're not renting it out, nor will they allow anyone to live in the property. As I have said, they're hording the property so when the value goes up in 6-12 months they will sell it at a profit. The government's solution to housing problem is to build more houses but that's not the answer, If...
  32. Özil

    Opinion Renters...

    It's an Investors market, they'll take advantage of the property downturn and hold onto it as long as they like. And they're most likely debt free so they wouldn't have to worry about making repayments to the banks, only thing they'll pay are the council rates and utility bills
  33. Özil

    Burton is just a centre (March 23)

    He's not a halfback but at the same time, our forwards are piss weak. When we had the likes of Shrek, Mason, Price and Asotasi in our forward packs, this allowed the likes of Sherwin and Anasta and lesser extent JT plenty of time on the ball do what they need.
  34. Özil

    Opinion Renters...

    In this current market, property investors would be stupid to rent out their property, they'll get little to no money back, instead they'll be paying more on it. I once asked a real estate agent on how are property investors making cash on property if they're not renting it out and he said that...
  35. Özil

    Rate rises and your mortgage

    I bought my place in February 2022, I have an offset account for my mortgage so my interest rate is variable. For 6 months, I was paying $2400 per month and between August and April, my mortgage repayments have increased by $1400 and I'm paying nearly $4k per month and it's eating in nearly...
  36. Özil

    Latrell Mitchell racially abused at Panther

    I went to school and played footy with blackfullas, there use to be a lot of racist jokes about them and I remembered they use to get bullied for being a 'dirty and stinky abo'. About 4 or 5 years ago, I have sat down with Aboriginal community one time in Dubbo with former bulldog player Joe...
  37. Özil

    Latrell Mitchell racially abused at Panther

    Unbelievable what I'm reading here. No doubt that Latrell is a **** as a player but that doesn't excuse for him to be racially abused from anyone. He doesn't need that and neither do other indigenous players. Why try and excuse racial abuse as a storm in tea cup? Racism of any kind is just...
  38. Özil

    White men, please stop fetishising Asian women

    Bro. I am married to one, and the ones I know here and in Japan are nothing like that. 'Professional' cosplayers in Japan are ugly AF! Take the make ups off and you'll see how big their foreheads are, how small their eyes are and how thin their hairs are. As for their 'gentle' voice, you'll be...
  39. Özil

    New jersey leak

    Nike's range in our last 2 years with them were garbage, I remembered they didn't release our 08 jersey until July. But with Collingwood and The Swans, their range is top class and Nike have improved releasing merchandise. No disrespect to Classic, they make brilliant retro jerseys and this...
  40. Özil

    New jersey leak

    Definitely, I still have my 03, 04 and 05 Nike jerseys and the quality and design on them still shits on whatever shit Classic Sportswear produce. Nike have improved their range in the last few years
  41. Özil

    New jersey leak

    We still have another 3 years with this best and less brand.
  42. Özil

    Opinion The ultimate family dogs

    Brasilian fighting dog
  43. Özil

    Todays determination

    Yo Bob what's going on here mate?
  44. Özil

    Official Worst performance I have ever watch

    We've had worse but this is up there
  45. Özil

    Opinion Sack Barrett thread

    Absolutely farken pathetic! There's no structure, no game plan, no idea who's doing what, it's either give it to Burton or give it to to JAC and hope for the best. I'm seriously thinking to myself how the fkn fk is this team being coached? Barrett is absolutely devoid of ideas and he should be...
  46. Özil

    Finally.. some decent Classic Gear

    I have only bought a few Classic merch, media top, retro jersey and Training shorts. It's Time we go back to a mainstream sporting brand that knows how to make quality gear. - puma - Under Armour - New Balance - Nike (their quality have improved in the last few years) - Umbro - Hummel - Asics...
  47. Özil

    Todays determination

    Don't be like that mate, we go back yonks
  48. Özil

    Todays determination

    I would actually like to be Bob Dog for a day. Just to see who's actually out to try and get him
  49. Özil

    The Formula One Thread

    Kudos to Crashtappen. FIA did nothing wrong, but if Mercedes looking for someone to blame, they should blame their junior driver for his driving abilities
  50. Özil

    The Formula One Thread

    Max won't get disqualified for taking out Lewis. The most severe penalty he will most likely get in the race is a 10 second stop and go penalty and he would have few laps to do this. If he doesn't come in to the pits to serve his stop and go penalty then he will be disqualified from the race...
  51. Özil

    The Formula One Thread

    I've got no doubt that Max will try and take out Lewis if or when they go wheel to wheel and he will not care of he gets a penalty for it.
  52. Özil

    2022 Jerseys

    Classic Sportswear stuff is complete trash and not on the same levels as the other sports brands. Still to this day the best Jersey we have had in the last 20 years. Nike have made some really good kits until 2007-2008 where they ended up doing their standards. But they have recently improved...
  53. Özil

    Finally.. some decent Classic Gear

    Classic Sportswear Good design - shit quality - but I'll give exception to their retro jerseys, they are quality.
  54. Özil

    Opinion Who Are You?

    Haha good to hear bro! How's your brother doing?
  55. Özil

    Car Question

    Supply and demand + owning JDMs older than 25 years old in the US is legal and the yanks have pretty much burnt the JDM markets. A few of my mates own BNR34 GTRs and they get ridiculous offers sent to them by yanks wanting to buy their GTR
  56. Özil

    Todays determination

    Is there still a conspiracy of your neighbours trying to spy on you and see what your doing and report you to the authorities?
  57. Özil

    Opinion Who Are You?

    Thanks bro I hope you're doing well after your health scare a few years ago
  58. Özil

    Todays determination

    I've been away from this site a few years and old mate Bob hasn't changed one bit. Bless you Bob
  59. Özil

    Opinion Who Are You?

    Same old Bob Dog, you never change
  60. Özil

    Opinion Who Are You?

    Hi Assassin I'm Grampa
  61. Özil


  62. Özil


    It's not the kennel without tha Doggfather and KE
  63. Özil


    The one and only
  64. Özil

    The Formula One Thread

    Crashing or hitting other drivers and trying to take them out is not racing. Verstappen is an aggressive driver and I like that from him but there are times where he has his brain snaps and does the most stupidest things on the track and he wonders why he gets picked on? And regardless, if Max...
  65. Özil


    So I have somehow been summon to come back after a few years. Shalom fellow Kennelers
  66. Özil


    Hey Bob How you been?
  67. Özil

    Do we have a major sponsor yet

    It's harder now for teams to gain a naming rights or a major sponsor. FFA have lost Caltex and Aldi and are struggling to get a sponsor on board without Lowy's influence. People don't realise how big it is losing an international company like KIA as a major sponsor. Companies need a reason...
  68. Özil


    The good old days when Reni called one of the kennel members out and called him a little Derek in the process
  69. Özil

    Do we have a major sponsor yet

    NRMA are scaling back on sports sponsorships, they ended their association with WSW and with the Broncos 2 seasons ago. They'll sponsor an event but they wont be sponsoring a sports team for a while
  70. Özil

    News Businesses owned by Chris Anderson, Kevin Moore go bust

    As much as I like Anderson and what he has done for us as a player and coach, the best thing he can do is be far away from the club as possible with this mess he is in. This is definitely not a very good look for Anderson and this could go against his in the upcoming board election next year.
  71. Özil

    Classic Sportswear 2019

    Looks like classic sportswear has been confirmed from next season.
  72. Özil

    So Greenberg where are you?

    The Jew is too busy singing hava Nagila while counting money from Rusty's brown paper bag
  73. Özil

    ANZ Stadium will NOT be knocked down.

    Look, the decision to knock down ANZ stadium was a dumb decision, refurb would have made sense. SFS, I don't understand how this stadium got so dated so quickly but the SCG trust are the ones who should take responsibility for this. In regards to this, the Government got their priorities wrong...
  74. Özil

    R4 - Bulldogs vs Rabbitohs - Team List & Discussion Thread

    Fkn pathetic performance in the 2nd half! We had chances on their line to beat those Redfern Scums only for us to Fark it up. We should have won this game.
  75. Özil

    Classic Sportswear 2019

    I am not sure if you have noticed but since Broncos went with ISC, they have been endorsing Puma sportswear, like wise with us promoting/endorsing Adidas boots, think this is the route that clubs are going. To be fair, X-Blades have somewhat improved their standards over the last few years...
  76. Özil

    Classic Sportswear 2019

    Rumour is that CCC have been told they won't be renewed for next season, instead, we will have Classic Sportswear as our on-field apparel which is a shame as I have been a big fan of CCC apparel since they came on board in 2011. I don't mind the retro jerseys Classic have made but I just think...
  77. Özil

    Caption this...

    What's a local junior?
  78. Özil

    Personal call from Raelene Castle

    I don't think Penrith have partnered up with West Sydney Sports Academy to re-allocate the juniors who didnt make the grade just like the Bulldogs and Magpies do with SWSAS WE can always move back to the Sydney Showground when the Manuka Midgets are not using it.
  79. Özil

    Rae Rae - What you probably didn't know/Facts

    I couldn't give a toss what her background is, I don't really care that she's a woman and I couldn't give a flying fuck about how she got more female members to the club. The last few weeks has shown how out of depth she really is. The best thing she should have done is keep her mouth shut from...
  80. Özil

    The UNBELIEVABLE Contract Clause Which Could See Hasler Become A Free Agent On 1 November

    You guys ran the offi field circus for 4 years. I think its someone else's turn and unfortunately its us. Do you remember the 2007 off season and what happened going into 2008?
  81. Özil

    Canterbury Bulldogs and Des Hasler: Where did it all go wrong?

    What went wrong for Dessie? there's plenty of things that went wrong under Dessie. 1 - Rule changes: In 2012 if everybody remembers, we were playing the 2nd man decoy on the inside shoulders of defenders which makes it look like an obstruction but we got away with it by scoring tries off those...
  82. Özil

    Canterbury Bulldogs reassess lofty goals but Des Hasler man to chase them: Raelene Castle

    KPIs my farken hairy arab arse. That corporate bullshit doesnt belong in professional sport and Raebro is treating our club like we're Macquarie Bank. And if Dib doesn't want to pay for Dessie's termination, the football club members will make sure if an EGM happens, he will be voted out and so...
  83. Özil

    Fuck off Raelene and Des

    Jim Dymock
  84. Özil

    Moses Mbye

    Again... Mbye isnt the problem, he is not a 7, hes a 6, Mbye needs a genuine 7 that he can play off.
  85. Özil

    Moses Mbye

    Mbye isnt the problem...
  86. Özil

    Sterlo Post Match

    Its been like this since 2013, nothing has changed since then
  87. Özil

    Fuck off Raelene and Des

    We have the best forward pack in the comp, the reason why the cows forwards are able to dominate is because of their halves are able control and direct their plays, something that our halves dont do at all
  88. Özil

    Hasler, tell us what more do you want?

    The Sports science thing is starting to sound more hokey pokey rather than showing any form of relevance to improved performance.
  89. Özil

    Des under fire

    The fact is we have not improved since 2012, I feel our team has regressed and our players are playing like robots.
  90. Özil

    NRL surrendered home-ground advantage to AFL over finals at ANZ Stadium

    You know NRL has problems when you have to vacate for the AFL. And 70-80k for Swans/Giants? Bahahahaha that's a joke itself, Giants have no fans and Swans prefer SCG.
  91. Özil

    Is this as good as it gets?

    Agree... I can only count maybe 3 or 4 games where we have played well and win. But most other games this season, we've just been mediocre. We have the best forward pack in the comp but what good is it since we can't make good use of them when we have the worst halves and hooker?
  92. Özil

    SOS call to Foran

    This isn't a Reynolds problem This isn't a Moses problem This is a coaching problem Our halves are playing out of position Reynolds isn't a 5/8 nor even a halfback, if anyone has watched him in the juniors years ago, we was playing hooker and he would carve it. When Dymock brought him in 2011...
  93. Özil

    What the Grub did

    Not going to bother reading through the thread but I have no problems with Reynolds lashing out at Lichaa. Lichaa threw a shit ball to Reynolds and Reynolds lashed at him for that reason, we were 4pts down, only a few minutes to go, we were attacking their line and Lichaa threw a shocker.
  94. Özil

    Letter to the Bulldogs

    last time we did this when Moore was coaching and someone met up with Greenberg to discuss our teams performance Therefore, no point
  95. Özil

    Marley was right

    Reynolds is not a 5/8... he's a hooker. And Mbye is a 6... we really need a halfback that can work with Mbye.
  96. Özil

    What happened ??

    We were just flat, no spark or enthusiasm. For the last 6 or 7 seasons or perhaps since shifty last played for us... we have struggled for creativity in our 20m. We are so clueless in what our halves want to do...
  97. Özil

    GAME DAY - Round 3 NRL/NSWRL/NYC Discussion Thread

    I'm confused here.... The video ref bunker was checking to see if Radrada had touched the ball after Kasiano offloaded the all but then ruled it he passed it forward into the hands of Radrada where they deemed he did not touch the ball? I just don't get it... The wrong call was made however...