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  1. bLaQDoG..

    In loving memory of Habs, founder of The Kennel

    Just logging in to send my condolences habs was a special dude who had more respect than any other kenneler I've known. I was shocked to hear of the news but it's also amazing to see his legacy still going strong even in his passing. So long as the Bulldogs are still around, I'm convinced this...
  2. bLaQDoG..

    The Official "Weekend" Thread

    How is all of what you said relevant to my post?
  3. bLaQDoG..


    What is this product you are talking about? And what would you like her to do to make us win games and look more competitive? I don't disagree with you, but there's only so much she can do to make us look more competitive and bring back the Dogs of War attitude on the field. It's our shitty...
  4. bLaQDoG..


    People here are blaming her sex, including yourself. Therein lies the issue. Once again, I'm not saying Raelene has nothing to answer for. Read my response to Wolfmother above. But she is not the primary reason we had a poor year.
  5. bLaQDoG..


    Not disagreeing with you or most on here, and I'm not saying she isn't accountable. She is certainly accountable on some fronts - most of those we don't know as members because we don't know what she says or does behind closed doors with the board members. But to blame our on field performance...
  6. bLaQDoG..


    Wow the sexism from some posts on here lol People keep banging on about African refugee memberships. I don't see the correlation between piss poor on-field performance and community work? You people do realise the image we portray off the field is important, especially when the media will...
  7. bLaQDoG..

    Channel 9

    Nice to see an entire thread on this. The bias was rank. You could just tell by their tone of voice when Roosters were leading with 2 tries, the excitement was real. As soon as the Dogs came back, you would think somebody had been stretchered off with a broken neck. What else do you expect...
  8. bLaQDoG..

    Members day 2016

    Members day can leave you feeling like you are part of a refugee camp being sent around in a circle being given your rations for the week. I definitely know what you mean when you say it feels like these Members days are "forced". It would only be getting worse with the growing fanbase we have.
  9. bLaQDoG..

    Old school kennelers

    Whatever happened to Pantherpower83? Best opposition fan this site ever had, very insightful posts.
  10. bLaQDoG..

    Old school kennelers

    Oh don't worry about him - we took care of him really good lol So your food is tasty and low calorie then.
  11. bLaQDoG..

    Old school kennelers

    That's not nice Steven. I love the smell of souvlaki. Why is Slav food not a thing?
  12. bLaQDoG..

    Old school kennelers

    Anybody remember when the Kennel went down and Davo started that interim forum? I forgot the name. Some classic times then. I remember we did that once to Gate7 for his racist posts about Greek superiority and how Slavs are genetically inferior :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy: Safe to say we've...
  13. bLaQDoG..

    Who is/will be the GOAT of tennis?

    Assuming GOAT = greatest of all time... This really, really pains me to say it - but Djokovic is looking to be the winner if he continues his streak. There's a case for and against all 3 of them. Federer has remained top of his game the longest, better than Nadal who looks to be all but...
  14. bLaQDoG..

    Train Discussion Megathread - Etiquette / Strikes / Gripes

    That's why you shouldn't watch the 6pm news! You of all people should know how it shapes our thinking :p
  15. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    Skippy has learnt it's not right to be a bigot who thinks his beliefs give him a sense of entitlement to disrespect other people's beliefs, whether that's Atheism or Islam or any other belief structure. I commend him for that.
  16. bLaQDoG..

    Train Discussion Megathread - Etiquette / Strikes / Gripes

    It's probably a good idea to keep a mask in your bag for those situations. I'd rather look like a paranoid Japanese commuter than catch people's germs. Times are changing, population is rising and the bugs are getting stronger. People's attitudes need to change as well.
  17. bLaQDoG..

    Do you believe this.....?

    Looks like we were on the same page lol
  18. bLaQDoG..

    Do you believe this.....?

    More like Adderporn
  19. bLaQDoG..

    Train Discussion Megathread - Etiquette / Strikes / Gripes

    And easier to catch them if you place them near a camera ;)
  20. bLaQDoG..

    Attn Mac

    LOL he is under the thumb with both :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
  21. bLaQDoG..

    Train Discussion Megathread - Etiquette / Strikes / Gripes

    Good luck getting our tight-arse state government to invest in such an idea though. They can't even get a train schedule in order. Shitney Trains
  22. bLaQDoG..

    Train Discussion Megathread - Etiquette / Strikes / Gripes

    They need to start providing disposable masks at train stations for people who are coughing or have a cold in winter. If you slobbering phlegm all over the place, you shouldn't be leaving the house to go to work in the first place.
  23. bLaQDoG..

    Attn Mac

    Mac is no longer here. I will let him know for you ;)
  24. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    Not sure if you are serious, trying to troll or just clutching at straws. Your level of desperation is sad. Next you will accuse me of being disrespectful for pointing out that you shouldn't be disrespectful.
  25. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    Again, trying to throw pot shots regarding religion at me like it bothers me. Does that make you feel more secure? Three times for the dummies... You don't need to believe in a Religion to be a preacher. The fact that you constantly preach your beliefs to other people makes you a lot more...
  26. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    You don't have to justify anything to me regarding your thoughts on religion. I already told you I don't care about your thoughts on religion. Yet here you are still trying to justify yourself. Hmm? Regarding the bold: You showed disrespect to Religion/beliefs, period. You said f*ck religion...
  27. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    Thank you for understanding.
  28. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    You're the one who brought up Religion as a topic in itself. So yes, you're the one who seems sad and bitter. If constantly mocking religion to stir a reaction makes you feel better though, go ahead... I'm only discussing the intolerance people are showing toward our current playing squad, by...
  29. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    Religion can't show tolerance toward people. It's doctrine. People on the other hand, can show intolerance. Just like yourself and Skippy have above. I'm not here to debate religion, and I couldn't care what you think of religion. If you choose to think it's a giant fairytale or some religions...
  30. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    You still don't get it. It's not about thinking it's OK to insult his beliefs by sweeping it under the "cult" carpet. It's about not being a disrespectful turd. If you don't think highly of his religion, that's fine. But keep that shit to yourself if you are going to be disrespectful. Your...
  31. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    That's none of your business who or what he decides to worship. Some of you people need to put your agendas aside and just accept that people are free to practice whatever the fck they want. I'm not happy we have a part-time footballer either. But I'm not going to throw around derogatory...
  32. bLaQDoG..

    Everyone just relax

    I was actually happy with our performance yesterday for the first time all year. Yes we lost and we ran out of juice toward the end. But for the first time this year, the attitude seemed right there. Our forwards dominated theirs in the first half, even Tolman was moving forward. We were...
  33. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    Disgusting. We are all equally angry, but that's no reason to blast his Religion. I can't believe some of you people call yourselves not only supporters of a team, but supporters of an NRL club with so much cultural diversity.
  34. bLaQDoG..

    Any Coach at Belmore - Choose One

    Kevin Moore. We lack cohesion and he can help us with the bounce of the ball going our way
  35. bLaQDoG..

    Tyrone Phillips

    He doesn't come across as a natural. Plenty of speed work, but he can be very clumsy. Maybe he just lacks confidence...
  36. bLaQDoG..

    Canterbury Bulldogs by no means on fire, but enough for weary Sydney Roosters

    Gould's commentary was spot on yesterday, and he's spot on with this piece. Refreshing to see for once...
  37. bLaQDoG..

    Official NSW SOO squad

    Who were this years selectors? I'm guessing Greg Alexander was one of them. Cartwright, Moylan, Mansour lol
  38. bLaQDoG..

    Turned a corner, or nothing special?

    Once again, we scored all our tries off a running game. If you ever wanted a summary of the Bulldogs season in 40 minutes of football - look no further than that first half against the Roosters. Inconsistencies, so much wasted opportunity, and letting shit teams into contest. We dominated the...
  39. bLaQDoG..

    Josh Reynolds - Absolute respect.

    You're the one who can't hack a difference of opinion and has to resort to personal insults. You also assumed the following: - I was offended by your lame ass joke - That I'm one of those "c*nts" at stand up comedy shows that bla bla bla... - That I somehow thought you were insensitive about...
  40. bLaQDoG..

    Josh Reynolds - Absolute respect.

    Assumptions are the mother of all fck ups. But keep going, I quite enjoy watching you get all worked up...
  41. bLaQDoG..

    Josh Reynolds - Absolute respect.

    Hahahaha! Look who's talking taking things personally. You're quite the example there buddy. You're also quick to be insensitive when you're quite the sensitive type :)
  42. bLaQDoG..

    Josh Reynolds - Absolute respect.

    And I'm entitled to call your post as I see it. I think your post was insensitive and nothing short of douchery.
  43. bLaQDoG..

    Josh Reynolds - Absolute respect.

    Umm no. No laughing matter.
  44. bLaQDoG..

    Josh Reynolds - Absolute respect.

    I was about to post about the hilarious stupidity of Tigers supporters still thinking it was deliberate, even after Farrah came out with that post on instagram. But then I saw Facebreakers post...
  45. bLaQDoG..

    Turned a corner, or nothing special?

    I don't think much has changed. We scored all our tries off a running game. We had the confidence to score those tries because the Tigers were a defensive mess. We couldn't score one try off a fancy kick. When our opposition muscle us up in defence, that's where you are going to need a good...
  46. bLaQDoG..

    Did Anasta's Commentary Piss Anyone Else Off?

    I've always been a fan of Anasta over the years. After last night's commentary I was about to break my TV. That was a joke, fcking cockstain.
  47. bLaQDoG..

    Reply I received from Raelene Castle about re-signing Des

    No offence, but I read your email and the first thing I thought after reading a few paragraphs was "I can't be bothered for this shit" She would be thinking the same thing, CEOs don't want the finer details. Cut to the chase. It's good that she even replied. Your statistics are way off the...
  48. bLaQDoG..

    Bulldogs want Des Hasler to stay on as coach until at least 2019

    I can sympathise with that side of the arguement. I'm not anti-sack Des. I can see both sides of the argument. But again, it's a risk. There's no guarantee that sacking Des will generate results just because it worked for the last 3 Premiers. I feel as though Des has put structures in place at...
  49. bLaQDoG..

    Bulldogs want Des Hasler to stay on as coach until at least 2019

    People need to realise that employing a new coach is a greater risk of jeopardising a Premiership campaign than it is to keep Des. There are structures in place which take years to condition, for both the players and staff. You don't just replace that with a clean sweep and think things will...
  50. bLaQDoG..


    You're absolutely kidding, right? The same team who had their game plan rattled last minute by the news that their star half had to pull out of the team. No excuses. We were pathetic.
  51. bLaQDoG..

    i have emailed ray dib to contact me regarding the bulldogs performance

    Ray Dib has responded to fans in the past, and even PM'ed kennelers on here. But that was more concerning his own reputation. Would not surprise me if he responds, and would be good of him to do so.
  52. bLaQDoG..

    The Trance Thread

    There's a saying: Trance doesn't lead to drugs. Trance is the drug. I've always been annoyed that it has a strong association with drugs. It's a pleasure within itself without the need to do any form of drugs. Most electronic music is produced with computer software these days, but there are...
  53. bLaQDoG..

    The Trance Thread

    I've heard of the Berghain in Berlin. Mostly Techno right? Berlin may be in the works for my trip, still weighing up my options. But yeah, 7 weeks. As tough on the body that would have been, it's easily doable considering there's so much going on every day. What a place lol
  54. bLaQDoG..

    The Trance Thread

    Nope but I'll look him up now. If I mention your name, you reckon he might invite us to a VIP villa? :D
  55. bLaQDoG..

    Hoppa: I put my Blues jersey in jeopardy.

    I remember when the likes of SBW and Ben "I want my mummy" Hannant were blasphemed by us on here for going about things the wrong way. Here we have an example of a player who's not only done things the right way, but is also producing the best footy in our club. Think what you want about his...
  56. bLaQDoG..

    The Trance Thread

    Does he have all his music ghost-produced for him? :tearsofjoy:
  57. bLaQDoG..

    The Trance Thread

    You lucky f&ck!! That would have been amazing. I went last year, going again this year. Ibiza is addictive AF.
  58. bLaQDoG..

    Cameron Smith touches ref

    There is so much inuendo in both the title and article... Whoever wrote this article is a sneaky prick :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:
  59. bLaQDoG..

    Vossy’s Verdict: Bulldogs must get more minutes out of two key players to turn fortunes around

    It's not Klemmer and Kasiano who need more minutes, it's Graham and Tolman who need to pull their fat socks up and make more of an impact. Klemmer and Kasiano are on the bench for a reason. They're there to provide impact during crucial periods of the game. The fact we need them more than usual...
  60. bLaQDoG..

    Robinson: Shut Your Mouth

    "We didn't expect to win, we expected to be given the chance to win" Forward pass = try = your cheating chance. Piss, whinge, moan yada yada... He did raise some valid points though, and had the balls to call the refs out - something most coaches out there will stand and applaud him for. Fck...
  61. bLaQDoG..

    Hoppas Been Our Best So Far

    Easily our best player. I honestly reckon Hoppa would make a better half than Reynolds or Mbye right now. His kicking game put theirs to shame last Saturday. Our team is going to feel the pinch on Sundays...
  62. bLaQDoG..

    60 Minutes crew arrested after Child Abduction attempt in Lebanon

    LOL Wolfmother you troll. How dare you have a different opinion!
  63. bLaQDoG..

    60 Minutes crew arrested after Child Abduction attempt in Lebanon

    There was an article posted on yesterday making the crew look as victimised as possible. The headline went along the lines of "Tara Brown hand-cuffed and held in a vice-like grip with her head shoved forward". Aww. Poor Tara Brown. She's a female! How dare they! The Lebanese...
  64. bLaQDoG..

    Second & Most Hated Club

    The Warriors I guess. Most hated will always be Parra.
  65. bLaQDoG..

    Marching Orders

    Enough "sack" threads on this forum to open up a sperm bank
  66. bLaQDoG..

    Is anyone else as annoyed with Lichaa?

    These threads keep singling out individual players - but at the end of the day it's the team in general that is just playing poorly. One problem in the engine will eventually spread to the rest of it. Des is to blame for that too. The only player I can't fault this year is Will Hopoate. He's...
  67. bLaQDoG..

    Hazem el Masri rejects the NRL's offer

    If the NRL ever burnt down to the ground and I had no more footy to watch, I'd at least be so content knowing these f*ckers at NRL HQ are the one's who brought it down due to situations like this. The slopes have only been getting steeper by the year.
  68. bLaQDoG..

    Club statement: Hazem El-Masri

    Hazem > NRL. They should be grateful he's even coming back to work with this club.
  69. bLaQDoG..

    Des will get fined for the presser!!

    Same thing last week against the Raiders. The Raiders were offside on so many occasions because they were rushing up in defence. Storm obviously picked up on these tactics and saw that it worked for the Raiders.
  70. bLaQDoG..

    Klemmer - Needs to seriously wake up !

    I'll tell you what was going through his mind: "I'm playing with the most pussy forward pack in the game" He was the only one who looked like he wasn't getting dominated by the Raiders. The label of us having the most intimidating forwards is really wearing off. It was frustration, he needs to...
  71. bLaQDoG..

    Bulldogs v Raiders: Five key points

    Canberra haven't beaten us at Belmore since 1990. This generation is disgracing what it means to play at Belmore. Reminded me of how bad we were against Cronulla last year.
  72. bLaQDoG..

    Should Raelene Castle Resign over Hopoate decision?

    Forced to resign over one decision? Or is this supposed to be leading up to past decisions she's made? Either way no. I don't blame Raelene for what goes on on the field, she has put her faith in Des and rightly so. She would know little about the game. Blame Des if anybody. As others have...
  73. bLaQDoG..

    Parramatta Eels turned down Will Hopoate’s request to be given Sundays off because of his faith

    If he decides not to play in the GF should we make it, I'll call him courageous. If he decides to play during the GF, I'll call him a hypocrite. Life is all a matter of perspective :)
  74. bLaQDoG..

    Parramatta Eels turned down Will Hopoate’s request to be given Sundays off because of his faith

    That's very true. Long term though, it's only going to be a nuisance to the teams cohesion.
  75. bLaQDoG..

    Parramatta Eels turned down Will Hopoate’s request to be given Sundays off because of his faith

    Never thought I'd see the day Parra management make such a smarter decision than Dogs management. As soon as B Morris is back, switch Hopoate to Wing/Centre. We can't have a part time footballer in the spine of our team.
  76. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    It would be a question of context. We are talking in the context of ALL Sunday games, and potentially a Grand Final. If Hoppa came out and said it was 1 or 2 Sundays a year - I guess we could all live with that. But 3 games could turn into 7, and even 10 next year. Orthodox Jews = Saturday...
  77. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    Yep, I understand ;)
  78. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    Comparing Mormonism to Christianity like ISIS to mainstream Islam? I think that's a bit of a far-fetched example don't you think? He isn't committing violence, but if that's how it makes you feel then you are entitled to feel that way. My point was that his choice of belief should not be the...
  79. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    Of course. Why wouldn't I? In any case, Will Hopoate is not to blame here. It's the club for agreeing to such terms.
  80. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    That's all an opinion though, and even many would agree with your opinion - we still have to respect his beliefs. It's his choice and he is entitled to believe in whatever he chooses to believe in. That's not for anybody else to judge. What does matter though is the impacts his contract will...
  81. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    That's all an opinion though, and even many would agree with your opinion - we still have to respect his beliefs. It's his choice and he is entitled to believe in whatever he chooses to believe in. That's not for anybody else to judge. What does matter though is the impacts his contract will...
  82. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    I saw a duplicate post and deleted one. Are both gone?
  83. bLaQDoG..

    God's Will? Hopoate will not play Sundays

    Yes, he's a man of faith, he stands up for what he believes in. Bla bla bla. Good on him. It doesn't change the fact that it's a joke the club actually agreed to this, if all this really is true. NRL is a weekend sport. That makes Will Hopoate a part-time player, consider him a casual employee...
  84. bLaQDoG..

    Hazem's ex wife fires shots at NRL

    Some things never change on this forum. Now that his name has been cleared of any wrong doing, people still wanna stir up rumours, accusing him of breaking Australian law and engaging in polygamy? Leaving his ex-wife for another woman? You guys are just so up to date with Hazems personal life...
  85. bLaQDoG..

    Favourite/Least Favourite Holiday Destination...

    Thank you! Oakie one of my all time faves
  86. bLaQDoG..

    Favourite/Least Favourite Holiday Destination...

    OK now I'm sold lol. Goa trance FTW
  87. bLaQDoG..

    Favourite/Least Favourite Holiday Destination...

    It's definitely hardcore. But there's a lot to do outside of the partying which I enjoyed. Beaches, day trip to Formentera, Es Vedra, sunset at San Antonio, Dalt Vila was also amazing. Only thing I hated about Ibiza was the food. Fcking horrible almost everywhere I went...
  88. bLaQDoG..

    Favourite/Least Favourite Holiday Destination...

    Been to Europe, the US and the Middle East. It's really hard to choose just one place. Everything has something for me that I love, depending on my mood I guess. Overall: Athens, Greece. It has everything. History, transport, food, culture, beaches, cheap prices, friendliness...
  89. bLaQDoG..

    Who have you actually met from The Kennel??

    He's a natural entrepreneur. Everything he says he is. The girls couldn't contain themselves...
  90. bLaQDoG..

    Train Discussion Megathread - Etiquette / Strikes / Gripes

    We have quiet carriages in Sydney too. People aren't good at following rules still... My first ever experience on a Brisbane train, a man stood up and announced to everybody "sorry guys! I have a medical condition, I can't help it". He proceeded to unzip his pants and piss in the corner. The...
  91. bLaQDoG..

    Who have you actually met from The Kennel??

    I will add I'm one of the very, very few people on here who had the privilege of meeting Rodzilla in the flesh. If you haven't met Rodzilla, you haven't lived. What an experience...
  92. bLaQDoG..

    Who have you actually met from The Kennel??

    I've met at least 100 kennelers over the years. Even dogkat. Fortunately for you lucky bastards, I have no further plans on meeting anybody else on here...
  93. bLaQDoG..

    Here come the Habibs

    You're still talking about Nuns. I only raised it to mention the point that you are a hypocrite (thanks Assassin) for being offended by religion but not race. But you're still going on about it. You can't see the picture I'm trying to paint, just the fact I mentioned Nuns. I'm still waiting...
  94. bLaQDoG..

    Here come the Habibs

    That's an assumption. She already said she goes there because she finds it cleaner and tastier - but you still assume her husband has something to do with it. See how much you assume? It's evident in everything you post.
  95. bLaQDoG..

    Here come the Habibs

    Back it up. One more time: Quote where I stated I was offended, or what words alluded you to THINK I was offended - if you can. Do you need me to put it into simpler terms? I can do that if you like.
  96. bLaQDoG..

    Here come the Habibs

    You keep accusing me of being offended. I ask you again: Quote where I stated I was offended, or what words alluded you to THINK I was offended - if you can.
  97. bLaQDoG..

    Here come the Habibs

  98. bLaQDoG..

    Here come the Habibs

    Where did I say I was offended by the show?