U.S. Politics Discussion 2.0

Hacky McAxe

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May 7, 2011
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he is not saying you know it all, he is saying you read things and google it so you can act like you know it on the kennel
Ahh yeah. The confusion thing again.

I keep saying that I don't know more than anyone else. I'm not more intelligent than anyone else. I just have a weird habit of remembering pointless facts, and I'm also good at validating sources to see what is real and what's not.

But I'm like anyone else. I spent years studying many different things and the moment I left Uni, I forgot all of it. Fortunately it gave me the skills to understand that I shouldn't put a blog ahead of an expert. But I also shouldn't trust anyone just because they're an expert.


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
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Ahh yeah. The confusion thing again.

I keep saying that I don't know more than anyone else. I'm not more intelligent than anyone else. I just have a weird habit of remembering pointless facts, and I'm also good at validating sources to see what is real and what's not.

But I'm like anyone else. I spent years studying many different things and the moment I left Uni, I forgot all of it. Fortunately it gave me the skills to understand that I shouldn't put a blog ahead of an expert. But I also shouldn't trust anyone just because they're an expert.
no you don't validate sources, i posted the Kissinger report which shows that the US government plans to limit the population growth of the world and you disappeared faster than wesley snipes disappears whenever the tax department shows up

even now you won't say nothing about it and act like it doesn't exist because you are one of the population boom cultists and are in 100% solidarity with that plan, including when it reaches the heights of the forced indian mass sterilization of the 70's


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
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why wouldn't anybody get shocked by kissinger report and its corresponding action in india? when you are a population bomb cultist nazi and 100% agree with it

The DoggFather

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Sep 2, 2012
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Ahh yeah. The confusion thing again.

I keep saying that I don't know more than anyone else. I'm not more intelligent than anyone else. I just have a weird habit of remembering pointless facts, and I'm also good at validating sources to see what is real and what's not.

But I'm like anyone else. I spent years studying many different things and the moment I left Uni, I forgot all of it. Fortunately it gave me the skills to understand that I shouldn't put a blog ahead of an expert. But I also shouldn't trust anyone just because they're an expert.
This is where I am tbh, blogs and media are the same lies to me now. It's getting to a stage where we can't even believe what we see with our own eyes anymore.

Hacky McAxe

Super Moderator
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May 7, 2011
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no you don't validate sources, i posted the Kissinger report which shows that the US government plans to limit the population growth of the world and you disappeared faster than wesley snipes disappears whenever the tax department shows up

even now you won't say nothing about it and act like it doesn't exist because you are one of the population boom cultists and are in 100% solidarity with that plan, including when it reaches the heights of the forced indian mass sterilization of the 70's
Nah, I know the Kissinger report is messed up. But I also see it for what it is. Kissinger was your stereotypical American patriot. He saw Americans as Gods, and everyone else was the enemy. That's why America committed war crimes constantly. Because of people like Henry Kissinger.

The difference between you and me is that I see it for what it is. You think it's evidence of a global conspiracy to depopulate the world.

You see a leaky tap and claim that it's evidence that the government is causing floods.

As I said, I know how to validate my sources, and I know how to qualify evidence.

The pyramids are not evidence of alien intervention. The fact that movies exist is not evidence the moon landing was fake. And the Kissinger report is not evidence that there's a global conspiracy to depopulate the world.

Hacky McAxe

Super Moderator
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May 7, 2011
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This is where I am tbh, blogs and media are the same lies to me now. It's getting to a stage where we can't even believe what we see with our own eyes anymore.
Unfortunately it's always been at that stage. Humans are fallable.

One example I love is the UFO lights in this remote desert. Well known phenomenon. People would venture there to see the lights every night. And it was insane. If you went there you would see UFO lights moving at insane speeds and it happened every night.

Then scientists got involved and it turned out that the UFO lights were actually a distortion effect in the desert. And the source of the lights was the headlights of cars that were driving up to the location to see the lights.

As humans, were all fallable. We can never really trust what we see. Or what we hear. Because the media is always going to twist the truth. That's why actual scientific investigation is important.


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
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Nah, I know the Kissinger report is messed up. But I also see it for what it is. Kissinger was your stereotypical American patriot. He saw Americans as Gods, and everyone else was the enemy. That's why America committed war crimes constantly. Because of people like Henry Kissinger.

The difference between you and me is that I see it for what it is. You think it's evidence of a global conspiracy to depopulate the world.

You see a leaky tap and claim that it's evidence that the government is causing floods.

As I said, I know how to validate my sources, and I know how to qualify evidence.

The pyramids are not evidence of alien intervention. The fact that movies exist is not evidence the moon landing was fake. And the Kissinger report is not evidence that there's a global conspiracy to depopulate the world.
you see me claiming the government is causing floods and assumed that i saw a leaky tap

the kissinger report was not just 1 man, this was signed into official US policy then very shortly after that millions of indian men started getting their genitals operated on at gunpoint and many died, if this is not a conspiracy to limit world population then the hamburglar is not a thief who steals hamburgers

this is a conspiracy to limit the worlds population just like basketball is a game when you try to get the ball in the basket, one man can't do all that by himself, i see this for what it is and you are a population bomb cultist who is in denial

Hacky McAxe

Super Moderator
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May 7, 2011
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why wouldn't anybody get shocked by kissinger report and its corresponding action in india? when you are a population bomb cultist nazi and 100% agree with it
Godwin's Law. If an argument goes on long enough, one side will compare the other to Nazis. A weak tactic to attempt to gain support by pretending that the other side is equal to one of the worst groups in history.

This is the same reason why the Rabbitohs play the Imperial Death March when the opposition comes out during the home games. They think it will trick people into thinking that they are the heroes and the opposition is evil.

It's a interesting tactic. But it's also a sign that the person who is making the argument has no faith in their argument.

Hacky McAxe

Super Moderator
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May 7, 2011
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you see me claiming the government is causing floods and assumed that i saw a leaky tap

the kissinger report was not just 1 man, this was signed into official US policy then very shortly after that millions of indian men started getting their genitals operated on at gunpoint and many died, if this is not a conspiracy to limit world population then the hamburglar is not a thief who steals hamburgers

this is a conspiracy to limit the worlds population just like basketball is a game when you try to get the ball in the basket, one man can't do all that by himself, i see this for what it is and you are a population bomb cultist who is in denial
That's not my issue with your claims. As I said, the US have done some horrible things. They didn't go into India and sterilise people, but they may have been involved in the economic blackmail that encouraged sterilisation.

The US involvement with this is public record. Not denying that. What I am denying is when you link the Kissinger report with the Covid vaccine, even though there's zero evidence to support the link, or even suggest that the vaccine has any link to sterilisation.


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
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Godwin's Law. If an argument goes on long enough, one side will compare the other to Nazis. A weak tactic to attempt to gain support by pretending that the other side is equal to one of the worst groups in history.

This is the same reason why the Rabbitohs play the Imperial Death March when the opposition comes out during the home games. They think it will trick people into thinking that they are the heroes and the opposition is evil.

It's a interesting tactic. But it's also a sign that the person who is making the argument has no faith in their argument.
this is when a comparison to nazi's is fine, actually it might be unfair on the nazi's to compare it to this

in a one year snapshot of one example from one country, over 6 million indian men were forced to get sterilized and many died from botched operations

Hacky McAxe

Super Moderator
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May 7, 2011
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this is when a comparison to nazi's is fine, actually it might be unfair on the nazi's to compare it to this

in a one year snapshot of one example from one country, over 6 million indian men were forced to get sterilized and many died from botched operations
Oddly enough, I agree with that. More people were sterilised in India than in the Nazi campaign. But there's no proven link between the Kissinger report and the sterilisations. And there's definitely no link between it and Covid.


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
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Oddly enough, I agree with that. More people were sterilised in India than in the Nazi campaign. But there's no proven link between the Kissinger report and the sterilisations. And there's definitely no link between it and Covid.
this is when you need to use your brain, on one end there is a report signed into policy that plans to use international economic pressure on india to get them to participate in their sterilization program and then within a year on the other end india are forced sterilizing their men reportedly in exchange for money from international organisations

you have to work very hard and do mental cartwheels to explain how this indian situation is not directly linked to the kissinger report, so at the very best case scenario your explanation is the US government conspired to limit the worlds population previously but they stopped at some unknown point before now, that should be your new story (its better but still incorrect)

linking it to covid vaccine is assuming that the work continued like they planned in the kissinger report, they described bio medical research to improve it in the future, the vasectomies were just due to a lack of technology, if they were willing to kidnap millions of indian men and physically play around with their genitalia then certainly you should agree they are willing to hide sterilization in a vaccine and would even prefer to administer it that way

the HCG vaccine in 1992 was a breakthrough along those lines, the WHO was forced to deny that they spliced it into tetanus vaccines in kenya but the WHO is named in the kissinger report as an entity that is to help implement their plan so take it with a grain of salt, the kenyans had very legitimate reasons to suspect that HCG was being used and their suspicions were apparently confirmed, ill let you read about it but you require a conspiracy theory to deny what happened, that its a conspiracy with kenyan officials, churches and scientists trying to tarnish the WHO, they cant simply be wrong there must be a conspiracy either way so pick which one

the links to the covid vaccine is through bill gates donating billions to the UN population fund, his multiple statements about controlling world population and his GAVI alliance mirroring the kissinger report structure using UNICEF, WHO, world bank and rockefeller foundation

of course the plan is not going to be kidnapping men and sterilizing them for 50 years, the plan is going to evolve to include womens rights, abortion rights, pornography, contraception, climate change, but other countries are immune to that so needs a trojan horse like covid and the vaccine, but even then you see countries in africa who have been on the receiving end of these antics for many years not trust the covid vaccine

do you want me to bring up some statements regarding the covid vaccine from african leaders, i assume all of these leaders are educated and well adjusted individuals

Hacky McAxe

Super Moderator
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May 7, 2011
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this is when you need to use your brain, on one end there is a report signed into policy that plans to use international economic pressure on india to get them to participate in their sterilization program and then within a year on the other end india are forced sterilizing their men reportedly in exchange for money from international organisations

you have to work very hard and do mental cartwheels to explain how this indian situation is not directly linked to the kissinger report, so at the very best case scenario your explanation is the US government conspired to limit the worlds population previously but they stopped at some unknown point before now, that should be your new story (its better but still incorrect)

linking it to covid vaccine is assuming that the work continued like they planned in the kissinger report, they described bio medical research to improve it in the future, the vasectomies were just due to a lack of technology, if they were willing to kidnap millions of indian men and physically play around with their genitalia then certainly you should agree they are willing to hide sterilization in a vaccine and would even prefer to administer it that way

the HCG vaccine in 1992 was a breakthrough along those lines, the WHO was forced to deny that they spliced it into tetanus vaccines in kenya but the WHO is named in the kissinger report as an entity that is to help implement their plan so take it with a grain of salt, the kenyans had very legitimate reasons to suspect that HCG was being used and their suspicions were apparently confirmed, ill let you read about it but you require a conspiracy theory to deny what happened, that its a conspiracy with kenyan officials, churches and scientists trying to tarnish the WHO, they cant simply be wrong there must be a conspiracy either way so pick which one

the links to the covid vaccine is through bill gates donating billions to the UN population fund, his multiple statements about controlling world population and his GAVI alliance mirroring the kissinger report structure using UNICEF, WHO, world bank and rockefeller foundation

of course the plan is not going to be kidnapping men and sterilizing them for 50 years, the plan is going to evolve to include womens rights, abortion rights, pornography, contraception, climate change, but other countries are immune to that so needs a trojan horse like covid and the vaccine, but even then you see countries in africa who have been on the receiving end of these antics for many years not trust the covid vaccine

do you want me to bring up some statements regarding the covid vaccine from african leaders, i assume all of these leaders are educated and well adjusted individuals
Yep. You did some serious mental cartwheels there. All I see is a lot of guess work and conspiracy. You're going to need to provide more than that.


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
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Yep. You did some serious mental cartwheels there. All I see is a lot of guess work and conspiracy. You're going to need to provide more than that.
the conspiracy is there, they put it on paper and millions of indian balls were tampered with, so that is the default situation, thats what happened, the guess work is that they stopped, do you have any evidence that they stopped?

its a pretty big guess that they were so determined to do this at gunpoint but then all of a sudden they have the technology to do it cleaner and less obvious but no longer had the same desire? what made them go from evil nazi's to honorable and in exactly what year did they become enlightened?

Hacky McAxe

Super Moderator
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May 7, 2011
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the conspiracy is there, they put it on paper and millions of indian balls were tampered with, so that is the default situation, thats what happened, the guess work is that they stopped, do you have any evidence that they stopped?

its a pretty big guess that they were so determined to do this at gunpoint but then all of a sudden they have the technology to do it cleaner and less obvious but no longer had the same desire? what made them go from evil nazi's to honorable and in exactly what year did they become enlightened?
Evidence is important. You can make whatever assumptions you want. But without evidence, you're just a crazy bloke on a sports forum saying that one plus one equals 15.

images (95).jpeg


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Evidence is important. You can make whatever assumptions you want. But without evidence, you're just a crazy bloke on a sports forum saying that one plus one equals 15.

View attachment 107421
evidence is only important for one side, you happily gobble up whatever is presented to you for the other side, for example the vaccine was called the vaccine on day 1, did you look for any evidence that it worked? did you hold off on calling it the vaccine until it was shown to work? no you were a happy vaccine cheerleader from day 1 and never questioned it

did you ask for evidence about why Y2K was going to knock out planes from the sky and cause chaos before you became a Y2K shill? no you just happily parrot whatever you are told

if you want a full confession from bill gates then lets treat him like a suspected islamic terrorist, give me some tools, diplomatic immunity and some alone time with him, ill get the full story for you, we have tortured people for less

you also need evidence that covid was natural because the proximal origins authors private slack messages show they still thought it was engineered even after they publicly said natural, the evidence is on my side and you lot had to retreat, the FDA had to retract their misinformation on ivermectin, RFK is running for president, fauci is hiding in a bunker with taxpayer security round the clock, covid vaccine was gene therapy, kristian andersen is finished etc, i won and will win more if RFK is allowed to debate and destroy senile biden/trump


Kennel Immortal
2 x Gilded
May 15, 2017
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Zil’s gone off the deep end again - repeating the same stuff ad nauseam - good to see some things never change. What about the GOP ‘investigations’ that were supposed to pull back the curtain on the ‘plandemic’. They found as much as the Cyber Ninjas did in Arizona: three-fifths of five-eighths of bugger all. The end :-).