Recent content by boyd1812

  1. B

    What should Des do with Mbye when Lafai returns?

    Personally I think Hokko should be dropped. Big fan of the kid but he has to search elsewhere for some confidence.
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    its GF game day peeps!!!!

    So pumped for tonight! Cant wait for our boys to make every member of the media look like a fool! I cant believe the mighty Dogs of War have been completely written off b4 the games even started! Its almost disrespectful. Dogs to win 18 - 10
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    Souths record without isaac luke

    Ive put a good chunk of this weeks wages on Dogs 7-12, you're not on your own
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    Atmosphere at Belmore

    Im as Aussie as it gets and don't see what the problem is? I love the celebrations in Belmore. I couldn't care less how anyone celebrates as long as its a celebration for the Mighty Dogs!
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    The finals are a different beast

    Hahaha, reading through this entire thread and just laughing to my self. Win or lose next week, you all have egg on your faces. Well done Slick.
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    (Syd ONLY) Open casting call - "Mesmerised"

    I can assure you that stage hypnotizism is very real. I was part of a stage show a few years back at Sexpo. Its hard to exactly explain it but basically, you know exactly what you are doing, but you cant stop your self doing it. Was a bloody hilarious show and I did things in front of an...
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    Josh Jackson " Chicken Wing Tackle "

    Pretty sure Reni will be in the grandstand next week, throwing a punch is an instant suspension these days is it not?
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    Tony Williams on report

    Too late for that bet? lol
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    Tony Williams on report

    He was put on report for head contact not a shoulder charge, because by the rules it wasn't a shoulder charge. There was head contact but after the initial contact was made, it was more thay sezers head whip lashed into Tonys shoulder. There wont be any charge.
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    Keep the faith!!!

    Cameron Smith wont play next week, we quite obviously threw away the 2nd half on purpose
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    I Was Thinking

    I sure as sh*t hope we dont sign another half. Hokko is finally fit again and starting to show his potential, Reynolds has obviously worked on his defence is an absolute champion and we have Mbye waiting for his time.
  12. B

    What is happening with Kasiano and Inu

    Did you watch NSW cup last week? Kas is no where near ready for 1st. Thompson has done nothing, he's actually been pretty bloody good. No reason to take him out.
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    Get Used to it....Dogs are Poor

    The play for whole 80 every 80.. if all our forwards played with the same aggression as Browne and Graham our pack would be near unstoppable. Browne is an underated unsung hero this year, he's made an awesome impact of the bench and Klemmer, that kid is gonna be a star.
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    Get Used to it....Dogs are Poor

    So many blokes here with absolutely no idea. Hokko has had his first full pre season for a couple years and is just now starting to show the vision and running game he had in his debut year. Williams has been slightly improving each week, C. Thompson has as much heart as Reynolds and I believe...