Bryce Cartwright Saga

Pity Fool

Kennel Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2017
Reaction score
no jab, no play & no pay is a well known doctrine in this nation.
Sorry (not sorry) anti vax nut jobs can tell their story walking.
Yeah ok mate, getting a vaccination or not getting one is not the point here! Let’s hope you have the same ladedah relaxed attitude when the Government forces you or one of your family to accept something you choose not to receive, perhaps the anti vax’s will have the same I don’t give a fuck attidute towards your human rights that you’ve shown them and their families... You’re in for a rude awakening my friend!


Kennel Addict
Jun 26, 2015
Reaction score
Yeah ok mate, getting a vaccination or not getting one is not the point here! Let’s hope you have the same ladedah relaxed attitude when the Government forces you or one of your family to accept something you choose not to receive, perhaps the anti vax’s will have the same I don’t give a fuck attidute towards your human rights that you’ve shown them and their families... You’re in for a rude awakening my friend!

Yeah I'm not worried about it.
I'm certainly not going to be lectured by anti vax nut jobs.

If you don't want to get your kids vaccinated that is your decision but don't expect to send your kids to the local public school or collect child support payments (FTA & B).
The same for that f**cwitt Cartwright, he doesn't want to get a flu shot fine. But don't expect to play or get paid, simple.

Pity Fool

Kennel Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2017
Reaction score
Before I start I want to say that I have been vaccinated in the past and so was my daughter when she was born.

In saying that I am totally bemused at some of the responses here regarding this subject, the actual vaccination subject is not the issue. I’ve become accustomed to so many inteligent TK posters that are anti Media and Government, when either of these two entities come down hard on our beloved Bulldogs, yet it’s so apparent that many of these same people are confused to what is actually happening here. The narrative is so clear to me, I have been expecting this type of propaganda for sometime and now it’s here, I really did think that there would be more critical thought in reaction to it! It’s fine to be subjective, but try and think past the media hysteria and panic mongering and apply some forsight and common sense as to why the pandemic happened to start with. Whether you believe it or not, this world is being groomed to accept the ushering in of a new world , a world where each individual surrenders their privacy in return for safety from engineered things like COVID-19, a global agenda of full control over every citizen on Earth. Think of it as a game of chess, and COVID-19 is the first move, a pawn to test the populus’ resistance to such a new world order. In order for a New world order to be introduced the previous world order needs to be destroyed and the United States is the current world order and it is currently being challenged by other super powers like Russia, China and North Korea. No doubt the next move will be the US dollar crash which will cause a domino affect on the world economy and then we are all up shit creek without a paddle, of course the politicians will use the pandemic as the scapegoat which caused the world economic crash.

P.s The United States debt was unsustainable well before COVID-19 thanks to George W and Mr Obama and now Mr Trump and every other leader is turning to borrowing trillions of dollars more than ever in history to get us all out of this mess, yeah right it’s just digging us all a deeper grave. My point is we are all being robbed of our freedoms as human beings and by attacking the people like anti-vax’s for reffusing the jab you are only helping the hierarchies eventually rob you of your own human rights!

Follower the pied piper ye mere sheep...


Kennel Enthusiast
Premium Member
2 x Tipping Champ
Mar 9, 2019
Reaction score
Before I start I want to say that I have been vaccinated in the past and so was my daughter when she was born.

In saying that I am totally bemused at some of the responses here regarding this subject, the actual vaccination subject is not the issue. I’ve become accustomed to so many inteligent TK posters that are anti Media and Government, when either of these two entities come down hard on our beloved Bulldogs, yet it’s so apparent that many of these same people are confused to what is actually happening here. The narrative is so clear to me, I have been expecting this type of propaganda for sometime and now it’s here, I really did think that there would be more critical thought in reaction to it! It’s fine to be subjective, but try and think past the media hysteria and panic mongering and apply some forsight and common sense as to why the pandemic happened to start with. Whether you believe it or not, this world is being groomed to accept the ushering in of a new world , a world where each individual surrenders their privacy in return for safety from engineered things like COVID-19, a global agenda of full control over every citizen on Earth. Think of it as a game of chess, and COVID-19 is the first move, a pawn to test the populus’ resistance to such a new world order. In order for a New world order to be introduced the previous world order needs to be destroyed and the United States is the current world order and it is currently being challenged by other super powers like Russia, China and North Korea. No doubt the next move will be the US dollar crash which will cause a domino affect on the world economy and then we are all up shit creek without a paddle, of course the politicians will use the pandemic as the scapegoat which caused the world economic crash.

P.s The United States debt was unsustainable well before COVID-19 thanks to George W and Mr Obama and now Mr Trump and every other leader is turning to borrowing trillions of dollars more than ever in history to get us all out of this mess, yeah right it’s just digging us all a deeper grave. My point is we are all being robbed of our freedoms as human beings and by attacking the people like anti-vax’s for reffusing the jab you are only helping the hierarchies eventually rob you of your own human rights!

Follower the pied piper ye mere sheep...
Shit mate, you read a lot of Sci-Fi I gather?
We don't have much privacy as it is with all the crap we do online and with our phones.
Why is this New World Order needing to unleash COVID-19 on the world's population in order to rob us of our privacy? Do they really need to track which bowling club a pensioner visits on a Friday arvo? Which beach a dole-bludger chooses to spend his day laying on? I don't really get the argument to be honest. What info are they trying to siphon out of us?
Most of the argument around NRL anti-vaxxers centres around what a fuckwit Bryce Cartwright is: trying to force a woman to get an abortion yet he suddenly gets morals and wants to go on a crusade to save the world from having a flu jab. And the fact that all of a sudden he supposedly had a bad reaction to a previous flu shot hence his current aversion to having one. Why didn't the cockring just come out and say that in the first place?
Hope he cops a coathanger in the first game back