The things that 'grind your gears' thread...

Howard Moon

Kennel Addict
2 x Gilded
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Apr 24, 2018
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How come dating these days is such a pain in the arse?

I'm honestly considering giving up on dating and just living like Jack Sparrow in pirates of the Caribbean.
Because people are either self-centred, crazy, or both

Howard Moon

Kennel Addict
2 x Gilded
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Apr 24, 2018
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on a serious note, they should ban mobile phones on the machines, i hate ***** who just sit there texting away
some stupid old **** sat on the leg press machine and text for 15 mins then did a few reps with about 5 kgs on it, then fucks off and tries some pec flys and starts texting again with about 5 kgs on it
felt like telling him to fuck off
Phone goes in bag... Unless using it for music... Then it sits on the floor

Howard Moon

Kennel Addict
2 x Gilded
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Apr 24, 2018
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I have complained about it before
The guys are the worst offenders
I'm not much of a gym guy myself but when I was going, there was a guy who used to sit there reading a book lol fkn move on buddy


Desball 4 life
Nov 29, 2004
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I'm not much of a gym guy myself but when I was going, there was a guy who used to sit there reading a book lol fkn move on buddy
See I would have to say something about this.

What a joke.
If you want a book go to the library.

Howard Moon

Kennel Addict
2 x Gilded
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Apr 24, 2018
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See I would have to say something about this.

What a joke.
If you want a book go to the library.
That's it.. I mean it was only for short breaks.. but still... people shouldn't have to ask to use a piece of equipment that the other person is not even using.

Bob dog

Hectik defence
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Feb 26, 2005
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The Government thinking it has the right to experiment on humans.
Too bad if they fuck them up.


The Forefather of The Kennel
Dec 6, 2007
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What about all these idiots walking around the city wearing dust masks on their faces? Little do their pee-sized brains realise that breathing in the same carbon dioxide they've just breathed out is unhygienic and unhealthy. I know everyone has preferences, but breathing in a tiny bit of smoke in the air is better than breathing in your same breath.

Howard Moon

Kennel Addict
2 x Gilded
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Apr 24, 2018
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TV man.... How is it considered normal to watch more than an hour of TV a day? or a bit more for football.... and watching over 4 hours a day is considered normal.... I can't stand the sound of a TV, let alone sitting in front of it being brainwashed for hours on end, every single day of my life...........

Roll the Bones

Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 27, 2007
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What about all these idiots walking around the city wearing dust masks on their faces? Little do their pee-sized brains realise that breathing in the same carbon dioxide they've just breathed out is unhygienic and unhealthy. I know everyone has preferences, but breathing in a tiny bit of smoke in the air is better than breathing in your same breath.
And while they're at it, might as well take a selfie too.


Desball 4 life
Nov 29, 2004
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Has any guy experienced this from a woman before?

She sats she doesn't want you around.
You say fair enough, do not argue, give her a kiss, say goodbye and then when you're out of sight, starts texting you with sorry,she didn't mean it and wants you to come back.

Its too late once I walk away I ain't coming back in a hurry.

Howard Moon

Kennel Addict
2 x Gilded
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Apr 24, 2018
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Has any guy experienced this from a woman before?

She sats she doesn't want you around.
You say fair enough, do not argue, give her a kiss, say goodbye and then when you're out of sight, starts texting you with sorry,she didn't mean it and wants you to come back.

Its too late once I walk away I ain't coming back in a hurry.

nah.. sounds bipolar..... sounds dangerous!

Roll the Bones

Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 27, 2007
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TV man.... How is it considered normal to watch more than an hour of TV a day? or a bit more for football.... and watching over 4 hours a day is considered normal.... I can't stand the sound of a TV, let alone sitting in front of it being brainwashed for hours on end, every single day of my life...........
I think it’s ok if you are binging on a good series like The Wire or Breaking Bad, but to just randomly flick around channels or sit there and watch reality tv trash or so-called celebrity tv chefs stir a pot, then yeah, I don’t get that at all either. I was thinking about a decade ago that with reality tv etc, that tv couldn’t possibly get and dumber and worse. How wrong I was.

Howard Moon

Kennel Addict
2 x Gilded
Premium Member
Apr 24, 2018
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I think it’s ok if you are binging on a good series like The Wire or Breaking Bad, but to just randomly flick around channels or sit there and watch reality tv trash or so-called celebrity tv chefs stir a pot, then yeah, I don’t get that at all either. I was thinking about a decade ago that with reality tv etc, that tv couldn’t possibly get and dumber and worse. How wrong I was.

yeah anything like that is ok here and there... at least it is not mind numbing trash... I just don't get people who can sit there for hours watching all those fake shows like you mentioned... and it's so strange because they know the shows are fake... yet they still take it seriously... lol.... so weird man... I'm all about Seinfeld and Frasier reruns if I do watch tv.. everything else can boot


Desball 4 life
Nov 29, 2004
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I have come to realise this... doing better than me though, I get the nutters...
Just doing research on bipolar disorder I think I might have it too?
Explains why I attract these women if thats the case?
They say people are prone to attract to themselves what they are?

I think theres some truth to this?
When I was fucking around with crappy drugs I always seemed to bump into people in the streets or wherever who were in a similar frame of mind.

One thing I can feel blessed about is this girl is against sticking needles in her arms and she doesn't go on about her ex boyfriend every 5 minutes like my ex did.

I know now any woman who goes on about their deadbeat chad ex boyfriend are worth evading immediately!

Roll the Bones

Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 27, 2007
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yeah anything like that is ok here and there... at least it is not mind numbing trash... I just don't get people who can sit there for hours watching all those fake shows like you mentioned... and it's so strange because they know the shows are fake... yet they still take it seriously... lol.... so weird man... I'm all about Seinfeld and Frasier reruns if I do watch tv.. everything else can boot
I honestly do not understand how shows like Love Island, Trial by Kyle and all the rest of the similar ones exist. I mean, each to their own, if they make you happy, fine I guess. But I honestly don’t understand who is watching them. Same people who follow Instagram influencers and unboxers I suppose. Btw, I love Frasier too. Those first few 4 or 5 seasons were gold. Great cast and great writing.