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  1. Jester

    Josh Reynolds

    You have to laugh at the people who are saying "Reynold's is too inconsistent, bye bye" and then saying we should sign Foran, who has spent two or three years bouncing around clubs and being one bad day away from taking a bath with a toaster.
  2. Jester

    Donald Trump

  3. Jester

    What a win!!! My voice is gone!!! Soward suk shiet!!! Hahahaha

    Recurring vengeance for Round 10, 2009. #NeverForget #NeverForgive #TheMilkman
  4. Jester

    Premiership is open!

    Round 26 is going to be amazing. Broncos v Storm, Roosters v Rabbitohs, Sharks v See Eagles. That's the entire current top 6 playing off in one round, right before the finals.
  5. Jester

    Round 18 - Dogs vs Broncos - NRL / NSWRL / NYC Team Lists and Discussion Thread.

    Calm your farms, there's plenty of time left.
  6. Jester

    Sharks game prices

    New and Super Dry BUT it was full strength from tinnies for $6 a pop. Better than the crap at ANZ and the bar had the best view on the hill. Just make yourself comfortable there and enjoy the game
  7. Jester

    Mal Meninga puts trash-talking David Klemmer on notice

    That would be pretty tough for a 20 year old. Imagine being in his shoes, probably really proud to be playing in this team of future Immortals and wanting to share that with his Mum. The "Look Mum, I made it. The years of sacrifices were worth it". His Mum was probably really excited to be...
  8. Jester

    Rumour: Tigers chasing Klemmer

    No good going to the Tigers if they dissolve in a year or two because they can't keep their club together.
  9. Jester

    Lane debut

    Since when have Jackson and Klemmer weight 221kg each?
  10. Jester

    Courier Mail / Maroons sooking about Big-Dog Klemmer

    I have loads of family that live in Central Queensland (born and raised in Sydney, though, so they still support the Blues). Anyway, I visit them a lot and I don't think people in NSW understand just how much Queensland has nothing else to offer the world except for Origin. They elevate the...
  11. Jester

    Today proved Ennis has to go [Now with poll]

    He's suspended, he won't be much good to you standing all the way over there
  12. Jester

    Bulldogs team rd8

    Mbye also wore a bench number despite starting for a few weeks, while Reynolds wore the 6 and sat on the bench. I wouldn't read too much in to it.
  13. Jester

    Post-Match Press Conference Massive Point

    Definitely. The rest of the response was massively smartarse. "Well both international centres are out. *suppresses an eyeroll*. Fair question. Fair answer.... *condescending tone* Morris and Lafai. *looks away, suppresses eyeroll and headshake*" I think he just thought the reporter was a...
  14. Jester

    3-2-1 vs Manly round 7

    3 - Reynolds 2 - Mbye 1 - Rona Agreed, as much as a love Hokko and like Mbye off the bench, he won't be happy settling for that long time and Trent's only on target kicks are the ones that go straight to an opposition player. :( I feel Reynolds had a great game though.
  15. Jester

    How/Why did you become a dogs fan?

    I grew up in Punchbowl and Lakemba, but my parents supported Tigers (Dad) and Dragons (Mum). They both tried from a young age to get me to support either team but one of my first words was "Bulldog" so, you know...
  16. Jester

    ANZ away game - Eels Bulldogs

    If you have your heart set on Bulldogs vs Sharks at Belmore, talk to the club and explain your passion and the lengths you're going to to get to the game. If they don't offer you tickets to Belmore, I'll donate my Members pass for the cause... you'll just need one more.
  17. Jester

    Gus & Joeys outlook on the dogs

    I agree. There was no ambiguity to this: Graham has eyes for the ball and only the ball and it's a matter of physics that carries him in to the player. It's unfortunate, and the way the rule is written makes it a penalty. But as far as I see, if it's your BACK that hits the legs, while you're...
  18. Jester

    Boycott going to games

    The NRL is essentially a not-for-profit: all money earned is fed back in to clubs, promotion of the sport, grass roots etc. So any kind of boycott, whether in direct retaliation or out of genuine frustration with the game, only hurts the clubs in the long run and the game as whole. The most...
  19. Jester

    Dogs of ReWARds

    There's plenty of people getting free double passes to Origin with the points they've racked up so far this year (200,000 gets you a double pass, a few people look to have around to 400k mark). I asked one of the guys how he got so many and he said he just likes/shares/retweets everything the...
  20. Jester

    The NRL targets me: josh reynolds

    My thoughts exactly. He can be a local hero, he has the passion and I love the guy but the last 12 months (since Origin 2014) have been trying due to his brain farts. Please Josh, get it sorted :(
  21. Jester

    Rare replays in the 2015

    I was wondering about this too. But then you watch other sports (like soccer) and when there is a huge blunder it get's replayed once or twice and then everyone moves on and it's pretty much never mentioned again. I think we are in a bit of a Catch 22: refs over the recent years have made some...
  22. Jester

    Officious security staff at ANZ

    Hahahaha you're on fire!
  23. Jester

    Would you be happy if the Dogs tried to sign Todd Carney?

    Most NYC teams would destroy the ESL champions.
  24. Jester

    All hail BMoz

    I feel it's wrong not to point out that Sam Perrett is doing a great job on the wing now he's back there. Feels good all round.
  25. Jester

    Who sat near The Kennel tonight ?

    It'd be nice if he was because pet membership is heaps cheaper.
  26. Jester

    Who sat near The Kennel tonight ?

    I sat in the bay next door - my membership is for the Kennel but I took a mate who only had a GA ticket and we weren't allowed in. Anyway, he was impressed by it all he's ordering his Kennel membership right meow.
  27. Jester

    Greg Inglis said he supported the Bulldogs as a kid

    FUN FACT: He lives around the corner from me and I mooned his stupid house every night leading in to the grand final last year. I would have egged it, but he's bigger than me.
  28. Jester

    Josh Reynolds - Out for 6-8 week with broken arm

    I have no recollection of making this thread. #MODified
  29. Jester

    Josh Reynolds - Out for 6-8 week with broken arm

    Mbye got the call up. "Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs Coach Des Hasler has today named Moses Mbye as the replacement for Josh Reynolds, for the match against the Parramatta Eels at ANZ Stadium on Friday night. Reynolds was...
  30. Jester

    A-League: The Cove / Sydney FC

    Hi guys, Long time no post. Just wondering how many here are Sydney FC members and will be spraying me with beer in the Cove? Pretty stoked that the season starts the week after NRL finishes, it's been a good distraction in this depressing week. WSW fans: banter away.
  31. Jester

    BULLDOGS BORN & BRED 2015 | Club Membership

    I went with The Kennel membership. I considered going Gold but there didn't seem to be a compelling reason? The seats look to the be same (but on the opposite side) and all the other benefits look the same? I found it a bit difficult to really compare the differences. Anyway, I'm happy with...
  32. Jester

    Match Day Thread: Canterbury Bulldogs vs Broncos @ ANZ Stadium

    Seemed pretty similar to last year - like a lot of people have mentioned, just lacking in attacking spark. Face it, Barba was the spark in a team that was build around defence and solid ground laying. Unless we get a new Barba or new playmakers and adapt, it's going to be rough. I like Ennis...
  33. Jester

    Removing acrylic nails

    Use Acetone. It melts them... they pretty much peel off from there.
  34. Jester

    Wellington NZ-based-Southern Orcas & a fiji NRL teams bids

    Is league big in Tasmania? It'd be nice to see a new state in the league.
  35. Jester

    Facebook fail

    Aren't this all 4chan hacked Facebooks? I'm pretty sure a lot of these (particular the first one) we're in a thread on there.
  36. Jester

    Farewell Matt Utai

    I loved Utai and it's been a shame to see him disappear from first grade. Best of luck to him. Hope eh knows how much people appreciate him and his loyalty.
  37. Jester

    List of Off Contract players for 2010

    Doesn't John Mannah at the Sharks have cancer?
  38. Jester

    Mason may be kicked out of Roosters

    It would be lovely to his arse leave. I still miss Shrek though. It's a shame to see him slumming it in ESL
  39. Jester

    Civil conversation...........

    Godwin's Law has been proven. Nice
  40. Jester

    Civil conversation...........

    It's sad that topics like these can rarely be discussed openly without degenrating into flat out racism. But they almost inevitably do. ...and in fairness to the mods, being a group that is perceived by the media and community as "predominately Middle Eastern" and with a "reputation for...
  41. Jester

    Civil conversation...........

    Thank you.
  42. Jester

    Civil conversation...........

    Except they're in colour and have sound?
  43. Jester

    Civil conversation...........

    Fark. Can't we all just be friends? I have red hair, isn't that something we can all unite against and rage on together?
  44. Jester

    Hains Pain

    I didn't LOL at the waste of tax payer money for a police escort to go pick it up for him.
  45. Jester

    Hains Pain

    He has a very bizzarely shaped head.
  46. Jester

    The Unofficial "How Sh1te Do you Feel" Thread

    I feel pretty terrible this morning. Grand Final + Public Holiday + 4 cases of beer = :anvil: So, what'd you do last night? How are you feeling this morning?
  47. Jester


    Pick them up with tongs, whatever you do. You don't want to handle those with bare hands. You might get a case of dirty matchfixerandsurelyhavetobeoverthesalarycapitis.
  48. Jester

    Let the long cold day of Blue & Gold disappointment begin !

    I was so happy with how everything went I decided to get drunk... drinking till 5:30AM to celebrate some team lose is awesome fun. Until your work calls you at 6:30 and asks you to fix a problem :S Three cheers for me spewing!
  49. Jester

    Greg Eastwood next year

    I wish he was staying.
  50. Jester

    Facebook Status: Whatsa matta Parramatta?

    STORM: 1 from 4 - St George have new chokertition EELS: Suck ****.
  51. Jester

    Ben Barba [merged]

    That's a mouthful of a name... Balmain-Ryde etc etc
  52. Jester

    Let the long cold day of Blue & Gold disappointment begin !

    Never thought I'd see the day where I was going for Billy Slater... But here it is.
  53. Jester


  54. Jester


    Someone should slap the *****.
  55. Jester

    Dear Parramatta,

    Since when is yellow the same as gold? They need a reality check.
  56. Jester

    Potential West Sydney Team Names

    Should be the Western Sydney Welfare Hunters
  57. Jester

    the where does everyone live thread thing?

    Miranda... in The Shire. I'm not a big fan.
  58. Jester

    West Sydney franchise in jeopardy

    NRL should take over Adelaide United and convert it a league club. I miss the Rams.
  59. Jester

    man marries 4 women at the same time

    What a legend. Better watch out for those penis-eating condoms they have over there, though. :\
  60. Jester

    A Teachers Email To Me

    Reply with: "Shut up ****. And please stop molesting us boys after school." And then report him for molestation. It's especially believable if you go to a Catholic School.
  61. Jester

    Karaoke catfight

    I wonder how many of them are called Shaniqua
  62. Jester

    The Biggest Disappointment

    Not a devo look, read what I said. A look like they were personally let down. Like the team lost to spite them. Like they're disgusted. I explained why it rattles me up. I was also very clear why I made the thread. Have you, or have you not ever made or participated in a thread about...
  63. Jester

    The Biggest Disappointment

    OK. Fair call. I don't think its anybody's right or business to judge coaching decisions then. Its an opinion I shared, everyone does it. And the excuse of getting to the car park in time is pretty lame. Like someone else said, how is it any different if the team is winning? I'm sure some...
  64. Jester

    The Biggest Disappointment

    THAT right there is a farkin' shame.
  65. Jester

    The Biggest Disappointment

    Yeh, I didn't realise how long that was until I posted it haha. If you think that's a rant, the one my girlfriend copped this morning about this was HUGE. I hate hate hate when people start leaving when a team looks like they'll lose. Like they've somehow been cheated by the team...
  66. Jester


    Ditto. P.S. Their chants are freakin' terrible.
  67. Jester

    Farewell Eastwood

    I'm devvo'd Beastwood is leaving! I think he may even be a little upset himself. He did say something to the effect of "After the 3 year contract runs up (in the UK) hopefully I'll end up back with the Dogs" He came looking for a pay check while paperwork was sorted out and ended up finding...
  68. Jester

    The Biggest Disappointment

    I know this, in all probability isn't aimed at anybody on here, but for me the most disappointing aspect of last night's loss was the selfishness that saw Bulldogs 'fans' started pouring out of the stadium with 10 minutes to go. These are obviously not true fans who remember things like 16...
  69. Jester

    Viola !

    Hahaha Ghetto!
  70. Jester

    Is we don't go all the way...

    I honestly don't know. I dislike Melbourne and Brisbane because of Slater and Hodges. But I wouldn't want the Eels to win because they'd have to have knocked us out. I'd be going for the referee I reckon.
  71. Jester

    EVERYONE sitting in BAY 120 read ASAP

    It's a great opportunity for some positive press for the Army. Hope it goes ahead for you guys =)
  72. Jester

    The Rising of the ARMY, PT3... Eve of the Battle

    They look amazing! Well done all involved. So pissed off we're not sitting in 120 :(:(:(:(
  73. Jester

    Eerie pic that predicts Eels title

    I'm betting it goes from the wings in. Parra next to go, then Broncos, followed by us beating the Storm in the GF
  74. Jester

    BTW Thats me.

    Image resize must be a skill you pick up at 14 :P
  75. Jester

    Last 5 Websites You Visited

    1. The Kennel 2. Facebook 3. Home Distiller 4. Intervextion 5. NRL
  76. Jester

    Blue murder: exit the Entertainers, enter the Enforcers

    I'm so fired up I'm headbutting walls and painting my face with the blood. Coz, you know... I bleed Blue and White.
  77. Jester

    Congratulations to ben and emma hannant

    Mia is a lovely name. Congrats
  78. Jester

    Lol @ afl

    That Canberra game was a *****. Pretty sure I still have frostbite. Aren't Melbournians used to it?
  79. Jester

    El Masri's last chance of Magic

    It's awesome when journos just look at player numbers and obviously don't know you need to flip them to see who lines up against eachother
  80. Jester

    gday dogs fans

  81. Jester

    God Speed Bulldogs Family !

    Inspirational. Booyah, 34 hours 49 minutes till kick-off
  82. Jester

    Josh is the better Morris!

    Joined =)
  83. Jester

    Major events transport activated!

    Do you have to go to a CityRail window and show your ticket to get a train ticket? Or do you just show it to a transit if they pull you up?
  84. Jester

    tix sales so far????????

    I think thats just to reduce people scattering over the stadium for smaller crowd matches. I'm pretty sure they'll open up those seats.
  85. Jester

    Bankstown City v Wentworthville Prelim Final

    Cost? I may come down for that. Depends how I'm feeling after Friday night.
  86. Jester

    DefQon.1 First Australia tour 19.09.2009

    The last one I went to was a few years ago. I was looking at photos recently and there was a lot of people in flanno with missing teeth :P They were all in awe of my phat pants. It was a tops night.
  87. Jester

    DefQon.1 First Australia tour 19.09.2009

    So we have a few ravers on here? Any Intervextion or former Echild forum posters? Chances are I may have met some of you in the dark corners of some dingy rave at some point.
  88. Jester

    Official "where are you sitting thread?"

    We'll be right near each other... Bay 114-2 Row 42 Seats in the high 50s.
  89. Jester

    tix sales so far????????

    Sounds right.. We could only get tickets in 114-2 or 115-1.
  90. Jester

    watch out for the b&g army!!!!!

    LOL @ all the suggestions for chants telling us to go home at our own home game. Morons. But I was thinking (and they mention it to) how awesome it'd be if everyone was singing "We're Bulldogs". I've been cranking it out of my fully sick sound system for the past 3 or 4 weeks driving to and...
  91. Jester

    NRL Quiz Parra over Mortimer blood treatment.

    Platelet Rich Plasma? There are people out there who need that therapy. Who actually NEED it to live. Honestly, WTF? It's a freakin' game!
  92. Jester

    tix sales so far????????

    10:30 PM last night my PAX was 29,547
  93. Jester

    Latest foxsports news...

    Parramatta couldn't target an arsehole with 40ft d1ck. Noddy ain't an arsehole and Fui is a 40ft sh1t. There's a difference.
  94. Jester

    Idea for Army #642 - Our Arrival !

    I think considering we all wear colours associated with a team from a specific area, GANG is the more correct term. Honestly, if people feel intimidated they need to harden the fudge up or watch AFL.
  95. Jester

    Tug of War Dogs V Parasites

    Melbourne has their own legends already?
  96. Jester

    Car people

    My Mazda 3 uses H7s... but if this is for a 350z I'm assuming their HIDs... in which case I have no idea what they'd cost. But I found some nice 7000K (which is just colour temperature... not critical) online for about $70 a set. Again, mine aren't HIDs
  97. Jester

    tix sales so far????????

    All the NRL codes are the same... their not user specific. NRL-10300 NRL-10400 NRL-10500 NRL-10600 NRL-10700 NRL-10800 Will all work. Just dont forget the dash :)
  98. Jester

    Idea for Army #642 - Our Arrival !

    Me and my posse are down with that, even though we'll have to walk to Bay 114 =( I hate Ticketek.
  99. Jester

    Official "where are you sitting thread?"

    Bay 114 Row 42. Stupid farking Ticketek online not having the ability to choose seats. If only you guys were in 113 again this week :P